KF ©

Leasing (renting)

School facilities and property may be leased to extended day resource programs and any person, group or organization for any lawful purpose in the interest of the community.  The purposes include but are not limited to the following:

A.  recreational,                              G.  scientific,

B.  educational,                               H.  social,

C.  political,                                      I.   religious,

D.  economic,                                  J.   other civic,

E.  artistic,                                       K.   or governmental.

F.  moral,

A reasonable use fee shall be charged for the lease of school facilities and property and this fee may be offset by goods contributed or services rendered by the lessee.  "Reasonable use fee" means an amount that is at least equal to the cost for utilities, services, supplies or personnel provided to the lessee pursuant to the terms of the lease.

Uncompensated  Use

The Superintendent may permit the uncompensated use of facilities and property by any school related group, including student political organizations, or by any organization whose membership is open to the public and whose activities promote the educational function of the District.  "Education function" means uses that are directly related to the educational mission of the District as adopted by the Board and includes the educational mission related uses of parent - teacher organizations, youth organizations and school employee organizations.  Use of facilities or property by organizations indicated above that will require a substantial District cost for utilities, services, supplies and/or personnel may be permitted only if goods contributed, services rendered or payments are made to reimburse these costs to the District.

The mission of the District is found in section A of the policy manual (see cross referenced policies below).  The mission statement and the group's or organization's promotion of the educational function through the activity, as interpreted by the Superintendent in good faith, will be the basis upon which uncompensated use of District facilities and property shall be approved or denied.


The Superintendent shall annually recommend a fee schedule to the Board for the lease of school property and such schedule shall include a procedure for determining the value of goods and services being provided as compensation for the use of school property.  The schedule shall include a designation of those groups whose activities promote the educational function of the District as determined in good faith by the Superintendent and presented for Board review.

Property not associated with the use of facilities is covered in section E of the policy manual (see cross referenced policies below).  The District will use its best efforts to avoid conflicts with approved use of the facilities and property but no lease or use provision shall be effective if the administrator of the facility finds that it would cause delay, cancellation, or rescheduling of a school-sponsored activity.

Proof of liability insurance shall be required for the use or lease of school property pursuant to A.R.S. 15-1105.  The District and its Board, employees, and agents shall be named an additional insured under the liability insurance policy during the use of the facilities and property.

The District and its employees, including the Board, are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken to allow the lease or use of school property, unless the District or its employees are guilty of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.  This does not limit any other immunity provisions that are prescribed by law.

The Superintendent shall establish such rules and regulations as are needed to implement this policy as well as to assure the preservation of District property.

The lessee of school facilities must affirm knowledge of and enforce the requirements and restrictions set out in Chapter 28.1 of A.R.S. Title 36 related to medical marijuana.

The lessee of school facilities to be used for athletic activities must confirm knowledge of and compliance with the requirements and restrictions for such use as set out in Board Policy JJIB.

Adopted: July 5, 2017

15-1141 to 15-1143
36-2801 et seq., Arizona Medical Marijuana Act

A - District Mission and Belief Statement
AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
EDC - Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment
KFA - Public Conduct on School Property