District equipment may be used by school or nonschool agencies and individuals for purposes that are not in conflict with any Arizona Revised Statute(s), federal or state rules or regulations, or Governing Board policies, subject to the following:

●  The District shall not incur any expense due to the use of materials or equipment.

●  The Superintendent shall establish procedures for approval of the use of materials or equipment, or shall submit requests to the Governing Board for review and action.

●  The District shall not be in competition with any local business firm that could provide like equipment.

●  Rental fees will be charged or waived, as appropriate, by the District.  Income from charges will be deposited to the civic center fund.

●  Any person or agency using such materials or equipment that is lost or damaged during such period of use shall be required to reimburse the District for repair or replacement.

Professional  Use  of  District-Owned
Equipment  Off  School  Premises

District-owned equipment may be used off the school premises by employees of the District according to the following guidelines:

●  No employee of the Tempe Union High School District shall use any District-owned equipment for his/her personal gain.  Equipment may be used by the employee only for work directly related to the professional responsibilities performed for the District by the employee.

●  Prior written approval by the principal (at the campus level) or the District supervisor (at the District office) is required before any piece of equipment can be taken off District property.

●  The employee who receives approval to take equipment off campus shall assume full liability for the equipment while it is under his/her care.  (Note:  The District does not carry "off-the-premises" insurance for any equipment.)

Personal  Use  of  District-
Owned  Equipment

District-owned equipment may not be used by employees for their personal gain.

With prior approval by the principal (at the campus level) or the District supervisor (at the District office), employees may use District-owned equipment outside of regular work hours, at times that it is not needed for instructional purposes.  Such use shall be for preparation to discharge professional responsibilities or enhancement of professional skills.  No use of District-owned equipment shall be made if wear and tear or consumption is more than negligible.  Consumable supplies associated with the personal use of said equipment must be provided by the employee.

Student  Use  of  District-
Owned  Equipment

Any student issued District-owned equipment (e.g. musical instruments, athletic equipment) must complete the form and receive approval by the teacher or coach in charge prior to taking such equipment off school property.  Student use of District-owned equipment outside of the normal educational setting must be approved by the school principal.  All District-owned equipment must be checked in at the end of each season/school year.  The student must assume full liability for the equipment while it is under his/her care.

Student use of District-owned equipment shall be for a specified purpose approved by the principal or designee.

Instructional materials issued to the student by the School District remain the property of the District.  The student must assume full liability for such materials while they are under his/her care.

Student  Use  of  District-Owned
Equipment  Off  School  Premises

Students may, upon receiving permission from the teacher and upon prior completion of the proper form, check out computer equipment for home use in completing classroom assignments.  The student must assume full liability for the equipment while it is under his/her care.

Adopted:  date of Manual adoption


KF - Community Use of School Facilities