The Governing Board adopts this policy to promote the involvement of parents and guardians of children enrolled in the School District. This policy is adopted in consultation with parents, teachers and administrators.
The Governing Board recognizes parents’ rights as codified in the Parents' Bill of Rights, 1-601, 1-602, and in Arizona’s other codifications of parents’ rights as stated in Title 15 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
Outline of Policy KB, Regulations and Exhibits:
A. Policy KB contains the Governing Board’s policy as developed and adopted as required by law.
B. Regulation KB-R incorporates the Superintendent’s detailed guidance in administering this policy.
C. Exhibit KB-EA provides Superintendents with a mechanism to collect and maintain instructional staff background information.
D. Exhibit KB-EB contains the Parents' Bill of Rights as codified for ease of reference.
E. Exhibit KB-EC is a form parents must use to request information pursuant to 15-102(D).
For the purpose of this policy "parent" means the natural or adoptive parent or legal guardian of a minor child.
Parental Involvement Procedures
The Superintendent, in consultation with parents, teachers, and administrators, shall develop procedures for parental involvement in the school(s). These shall include:
A. A plan for parent participation in the school designed to improve parent and teacher cooperation in such areas as homework, attendance, and discipline. The plan shall provide for the administration of a parent-teacher satisfaction survey.
B. A method by which parents may learn about the course of study for their children and review learning materials, including the source of any supplemental educational materials.
C. Procedures by which parents have access to the school’s library collection of available books and materials.
D. Procedures by which parents may receive a list of books and materials borrowed from the library by their children.
The following are exempt from paragraph C and D:
1. Schools without a full-time library media specialist or an equivalent position.
2. School district libraries that have agreements with county free library districts, municipal libraries or other entities pursuant to section 15-362, subsection D.
E. A procedure by which parents who object to any learning material or activity on the basis that it is harmful may withdraw their children from the activity or from the class or program in which the material is used and request an alternative assignment. Objection to a learning material or activity on the basis that it is harmful includes objection to a material or activity because it questions beliefs or practices in sex, morality, or religion or, because of sexual content, violent content, or profane or vulgar language.
F. A procedure by which parents or guardians of students enrolled in the District shall have access in advance to the instructional materials, learning materials and activities currently used by, or being considered for use by, the District.
G. A procedure by which the District shall obtain signed, written consent from a student's parent or guardian before using video, audio or electronic materials that may be inappropriate for the age of the student.
H. Procedures to prohibit the School District from providing sex education instruction to a student unless the student's parent provides written permission for the student to participate in the sex education curricula if the School District offers any sex education curricula pursuant to A.R.S. 15-711 on the requirement to include instruction to students in grades seven (7) through twelve (12) on laws relating to sexual conduct with a minor or 15-716 concerning instruction on immune deficiency syndrome, or pursuant to any rules adopted by the State Board of Education.
I. A procedure by which the District shall obtain signed, written consent from a student’s parent or guardian before providing sex education to the student. At the same time the public educational institution seeks consent, it shall inform the student’s parent or guardian of the parent’s or guardian’s right to review the instructional materials and activities.
J. Procedures by which parents will be notified in advance of and given the opportunity to withdraw their children from any instruction or presentations regarding sexuality in courses other than formal sex education curricula.
K. Procedures by which parents may learn about the nature and purpose of clubs and activities that are part of the school curriculum, extracurricular clubs, and activities that have been approved by the school.
L. Procedures by which parents will be notified in advance of and given the opportunity to opt their children into any instruction, learning materials or presentations regarding sexuality, in courses other than formal sex education curricula.
M. Procedures by which parents may learn about parental rights and responsibilities under the laws of this state, including the following:
1. The right to opt in to a sex education curriculum if one is provided by the District.
2. Open enrollment rights pursuant to A.R.S. 15-816.01, relating to the District policies on open enrollment.
3. The right to opt out of assignments pursuant to A.R.S. 1-601, Parents Bill of Rights. [See Exhibit KB-EB]
4. The right to opt a child out of immunizations as authorized by A.R.S. 15-873, relating to an outbreak of a communicable disease.
5. The promotion requirements prescribed in A.R.S. 15-701 for students in grades one (1) through eight (8).
6. The minimum course of study and competency requirements for graduation from high school prescribed in A.R.S. 15-701.01.
7. The right to opt out of instruction on the acquired immune deficiency syndrome as provided by A.R.S. 15-716.
8. The right to review their child's standardized norm-referenced test results pursuant to A.R.S. 15-743.
9. The right to participate in gifted programs pursuant as prescribed by A.R.S. 15-779.01.
10. The right to access instructional materials as directed by A.R.S. 15-730.
11. The right to receive the school's annual report card pursuant to A.R.S. 15-746.
12. The school attendance and age requirements for children prescribed in A.R.S. 15-802, 15-803 and 15-821.
13. The right to public review of courses of study textbooks and library books and materials in the common schools (preschool programs through grade eight [8]), as prescribed in A.R.S. 15-721, and in high schools, prescribed in A.R.S. 15-722.
14. The right to be excused from school attendance for religious purposes as described by A.R.S. 15-806.
15. Policies related to parental involvement pursuant to A.R.S. 15-102 and set out herein.
16. The right to seek membership on school councils pursuant to A.R.S. 15-351, describing the purpose, duties, and membership of a school council. [Subject to the exemption of certain school districts exempted as described in A.R.S. 15-352.]
17. Information about the student accountability information system (SAIS) as prescribed in section 15-1042.
18. The right to access the failing schools tutoring fund pursuant to A.R.S. 15-241.
19. The right to access all written and electronic records of a school district or school district employee concerning the parent’s child pursuant to section 15-143, listed in Regulation KB-R.
20. Access to the Arizona Department of Education (DOE) statutory handbook of parental rights, which is posted on the DOE website and is prominently posted on a publicly accessible portion of the District website with a link to the statutory handbook of parental rights with the title and sections as listed below.
a. Title 1, chapter 6.
b. Section 15-102.
c. Section 15-110.
d. Section 15-113.
e. Section 15-117.
f. Section 15-351.
g. Section 15-721.
h. Section 15-722.
i. Section 15-730.
Resumés of all current and former instructional personnel shall be maintained and available for inspection by parents and guardians of pupils enrolled. The resumé shall include individual educational and teaching background and experience in a particular academic content subject area.
For the purposes of this policy parent means the natural or adoptive parent or legal guardian of a minor child.
When a parent submits a written request for information to the Superintendent or a school principal during regular business hours:
A. The Superintendent or principal shall:
1. Deliver the requested information to the parent within ten (10) calendar days, or
2. Provide to the parent a written explanation for denial of the requested information.
B. If the requested information is denied or is not received by the parent within fifteen (15) calendar days:
1. The parent may submit in writing to the Governing Board a request for the requested information, and
2. The Governing Board shall consider the request at the next scheduled meeting of the Board on which the request can be properly noticed. If the request cannot be properly noticed on the next scheduled meeting agenda, the Governing Board shall formally consider the request at the next subsequent public meeting of the Governing Board.
Adopted: November 8, 2022
ABA - Community Involvement in Education
IHBD - Compensatory Education
IJ - Instructional Resources and Materials
IJND - Technology Resources
JHD - Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
KDB - Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information