
All students in the elementary (K-8) schools will have required textbooks and supplies furnished by the District.

Students and their parents shall be held responsible for proper care of books and school property.  Books must be kept clean and unmarked.  Parents may be required to pay for any damage to school property.

The Superintendent is authorized to establish a replacement-fee schedule and make it available to students, staff members, and parents.  Students and parents will be advised of this replacement-cost policy upon enrollment or at the beginning of each school year.

The District shall obtain signed, written consent from a student's parent or guardian before using video, audio or electronic materials that may be inappropriate for the age of the student.

Access  to  Instructional  Material
by  Parents  and  Guardians

The Superintendent shall establish procedures that permit parents or guardians of students enrolled in the District to have advance access to the instructional materials, learning materials and activities currently used by, or being considered for use by, the District in accordance with the terms of this policy.  A parent who objects to any learning material or activity on the basis that the material or activity is harmful, because of sexual content, violent content, or profane or vulgar language, may request to withdraw that student from the activity or from the class or program in which the material is used and request an alternative assignment.

The request by the parent or guardian must be in writing and must specify the materials that the parent or guardian wishes to review.

Such procedures shall make available at least one (1) copy of the materials for review by the parents or guardians.  Printed textbooks, printed supplementary books, and printed subject-matter materials may be checked out from the District premises by parents or guardians for periods not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours.  All other materials, including films, may be reviewed only on the District premises.

Parents or guardians will be notified when and where the instructional materials may be picked up or reviewed.  Materials will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Adopted:  November 09, 2021

15-721 to 15-730

ABA - Community Involvement in Education
IJND - Technology Resources
KB - Parental Involvement in Education