Employees are expected to exercise general supervision over the conduct of students, not only while in the schoolroom, but also before and after school and during classroom breaks.  At all times teachers and other staff members will accord students the dignity and respect that they deserve and avoid embarrassing any student unnecessarily.

Students are expected to regard all School employees as individuals who are employed to provide direct or indirect contributions to learning.  While students are to have considerable latitude in making choices for themselves, they shall be required to respect the rights of all School employees and other students, and interference with those rights will not be tolerated.

Students shall not have the right to interfere with the efforts of instructional staff members to coordinate or assist in learning, to disseminate information for purposes of learning, or to otherwise implement a learning program.  Nor shall a student have the right to interfere with the motivation to learn or the learning activities and efforts of other students.  No student shall have the right to interfere with or disrupt any employee's work activities.

All personnel employed by the School are expected to relate to students of the School in a manner that maintains social and moral patterns of behavior consistent with community standards and acceptable professional conduct.

Relationships between staff members and students that include "dating," "courtship," or "romantic involvement" are prohibited.  These behaviors deviate from ethical or professional standards and shall be deemed unacceptable and contrary to the expectations of School governance.

Staff/student relationships shall reflect mutual respect between staff members and students and shall support the dignity of the entire profession and educational process.

Violations of the above shall be considered serious and may result in severe disciplinary action.

Adopted:  date of Handbook adoption


JIC - Student Conduct