All employees of the School are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with effective and orderly education and to protect students and School property.  No employee shall, by action or inaction, interfere with or disrupt any School activity or encourage any such disruption.  No employee, other than one who has obtained authorization from the appropriate school administrator, shall carry or possess a weapon on school grounds.  All employees shall at all times attempt to maintain order, abide by the policies, rules, and regulations of the School, and carry out all applicable orders issued by the Executive Director.

Potential consequences to employees of the School who violate these rules may include, but are not limited to:

A.  Removal from school grounds.

B.  Both civil and criminal sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, criminal proceedings under Title 13, Chapter 29, Arizona Revised Statutes.

C.  Warning.

D.  Reprimand.

E.  Suspension.

F.  Dismissal.

G.  Having consideration given to any such violations in the determination of or establishment of any pay or salary in later contracts or employment, if any.

Reporting  Suspected
Crimes  or  Incidents

Staff members are to report any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense, involves a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or that could pose a threat of death or serious injury and any conduct that poses a threat of death or serious physical injury to employees, students or others on school property.  All such reports shall be documented and communicated to the Executive Director who shall be responsible for reporting to local law enforcement.  Conduct that is considered to be bullying, harassment or intimidation shall be addressed according to Policy JICK.

The charter school is to notify the parent or guardian of each student who is involved in a suspected crime or any conduct that is described above, subject to the requirements of federal law.

On or before January 1, 2020, each charter school shall post the policies and procedures pertaining to the above on its website as the Department of Education shall develop a process to verify that each charter school has adopted the required policies and procedures by this date. 

If the charter school maintains an online Handbook of policies and procedures, the charter school may post a link to that Handbook with a reference to the appropriate policies and procedures.

A person who violates the reporting requirements may be disciplined for violating the policies of the charter school governing body and may be subject to dismissal.  Each charter school governing body shall prescribe and enforce policies and procedures that require the charter school to maintain a record on any person who is disciplined pursuant to this policy and, on request, shall make that record available to any public school, school district governing board or charter school governing body that is considering hiring that person.

A person who is employed by the School or is an applicant for employment with the school, who is arrested for or charged with any nonappealable offense listed in section 41-1758.03, subsection B and who does not immediately report the arrest or charge to the person's supervisor or potential employer is guilty of unprofessional conduct and the person shall be immediately dismissed from employment with the School or immediately excluded from potential employment with the School.  A person dismissed from employment for failure to report being arrested for or charged with a nonappealable offense has no right to appeal under the provisions of A.R.S. 15-539, subsection F.  Prior to an action to terminate for failure to report, an employee will be given the opportunity to provide a written explanation of circumstances or events which they believe mitigate the failure to report.

Use  of  Physical  Force  by
Supervisory  Personnel

Any administrator, teacher, or other school employee entrusted with the care and supervision of a minor may use reasonable and appropriate physical force upon the minor to the extent reasonably necessary and appropriate to maintain order.  Similar physical force will be appropriate in self-defense, in the defense of other students and school personnel, and to prevent or terminate the commission of theft or criminal damage to the property of the School or the property of persons lawfully on the premises of the School.

The threat or use of physical force is not justified as a response to verbal provocation alone, nor when the degree of physical force used is disproportionate to the circumstances or exceeds that necessary to avoid injury to oneself or to others or to preserve property at risk.

Adopted:  date of Handbook adoption


GCF - Professional Staff Hiring
GCO - Evaluation of Professional Staff Members
JIC - Student Conduct
JK - Student Discipline
KFA - Public Conduct on School Property