Staff  Administration  of  Medication
to  Students – In  General

When it is necessary for a student to take medicine during school hours, the District will cooperate with the health care practitioner and the parents if the following requirements are met:

A.  There must be a written order from the prescribing health care practitioner stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time it is to be given.

B.  There must be written permission from the parent, or written authorization from the student if eighteen (18) years old, to allow the school or the student to administer the medicine.  See JLCD-EA.

C.  The medicine must come to the school office in the prescription container or, if it is over-the-counter medication, in the original container with all warnings and directions intact.

Staff  Administration  of  Medication  by
Students – Limited  Circumstances

Students are entitled to possess and self-administer medications under the following limited circumstances:

A.  Emergency Epinephrine – Students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis may carry and self-administer emergency medications including auto-injectable epinephrine provided the pupil's name is on the prescription label, on the medication container or device and annual written documentation from the pupil's parent or guardian is provided that authorizes possession and self-administration.  The student shall notify the school office secretary as soon as practicable following the use of the medication;

B.  Handheld Inhalers – Students may possess and self-administer prescription medication for breathing disorders, handheld inhaler devices may be carried for self-administration provided the student's name must be on the prescription label, on the medication container, or on the handheld inhaler device and annual written documentation from the student's parent must be provided to the school health office that authorizes possession and self-administration.

C.  Diabetes Management – Students with diabetes who have a diabetes medical management plan provided by the student's parent, signed by a licensed health professional or nurse practitioner as specified by A.R.S. 15-344.01, may carry appropriate medications and monitoring equipment and self-administer the medication.  Specific requirements of this policy are listed in Regulation JLCD-R.

Emergency  Administration  of  Medicines
by Trained Employees

Auto-Injectable Epinephrine

If the Governing Board elects to stock auto-injectable epinephrine, the Governing Board directs the Superintendent to prescribe and enforce regulations and procedures for the emergency administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by a trained employee of the School District pursuant to section A.R.S. 15-157 and R7-2-809

If auto-injectable epinephrine is in stock, the Superintendent shall designate at least two (2) school personnel for each school site who shall be required to receive annual training in the proper administration of auto-injectable epinephrine pursuant to R7-2-809.  The Superintendent shall maintain and make available upon request a list of those school personnel authorized and trained to administer auto-injectable epinephrine.


A trained school employee, or trained nurse under contract, may administer, or assist in the administration of, an inhaler to a pupil or an adult whom the individual believes in good faith to be exhibiting symptoms of respiratory distress while at school or a school-sponsored activity. 

Naloxone Hydrochloride (NARCAN)

The Governing Board directs the Superintendent to prescribe and enforce regulations and procedures for the emergency administration of naloxone hydrochloride or any other opioid antagonist approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration by an employee of a school district pursuant to Section 36-2267.

Seizure  Management  Plans

The Superintendent shall create procedures to administer seizure management plans for students diagnosed with a seizure disorder.  The procedures shall comply with A.R.S. 15-160.02.  The District shall:

A.  Verify and accept student seizure management plans developed by student’s parents and physicians or nurse practitioners.

B.  Assign a nurse, employed or under contract, to review the plan.  If no nurse is available, the Superintendent shall designate an employee to be responsible for reviewing seizure management and treatment plans.

C.  Confirm that nurses, and non-nurse staff required by statute, are trained as according to law.

D.  Require at least one (1) school official, in addition to the nurse, to meet the training requirements listed in 15-160.02(H).

E.  Seizure management plans shall be submitted to the school health office or District office for review; a template for health plans can be found in Exhibit JLCD-EB.

Required  Trainings

Training on Anaphylactic Shock

If the Governing Board elects to stock auto-injectable epinephrine, the Superintendent shall require all school site personnel to receive an annual training on the recognition of anaphylactic shock symptoms and procedures to follow when anaphylactic shock occurs.

Training on Recognition of Symptoms
of Respiratory Distress and
Administration of Inhalers

If the Governing Board elects to administer inhalers, the Superintendent must designate at least two (2) personnel at each school site who shall be trained in the recognition of respiratory distress symptoms, the procedures to follow when respiratory distress occurs, and the administration of inhalers, as directed on the prescription protocol, R7-2-810.  The Superintendent must maintain and make available upon request a list of school personnel authorized to administer inhalers.  The Superintendent will review and implement all the regulatory items listed in R7-2-810, if applicable, as set forth in Regulation JLCD-R.

Training on Seizure Management Plans

The Superintendent will require that nurses, non-nurse staff listed in A.R.S. 15-160.02, and at least one additional employee, be trained in the awareness of seizure disorders and/or the ability to administer or assist with the self-administration, where applicable, as implemented by the State Board of Education.  Specific training requirements listed in JLCD-R.

Termination of Medication Administration Policy

The District reserves the right, in accordance with procedures established by the Superintendent, to circumscribe or disallow the use or administration of any medication on school premises if the threat of abuse or misuse of the medicine may pose a risk of harm to a member or members of the student population.

Adopted:  March 25, 2025
