The right and privilege of attending public school carries with it certain responsibilities on the part of parents and students.  High school attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his family.  It is important that parents and students recognize the direct relationships that exists between academic success and regular school attendance.  Students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary.  Much classroom activity cannot be replicated; class discussion and participation is lost forever to those who are absent.


●  Tardy.  A student is tardy when he reports to after the late bell, but prior to one-third (1/3) of the class period expiring.

●  Absence.  A student who arrives after missing one-third (1/3) plus one (1) minute of the class is considered absent.

●  Excused absence.   An absence is excused if a parent or guardian notifies the school.  The reason for the absence must be given.

     Some examples of excused absences are:

■  Personal illness.

■  Doctor or dentist appointment that cannot be made before or after school.

■  Serious family illness.

■  Death in family or of a close friend.

■  Important family business.

■  Religious holiday.

■  Checking out of school through the nurse or attendance office.

●  Unexcused absence.  Any absence that is not excused by a parent or guardian.

●  School-related absence.  If a student misses class due to a preapproved school-related activity, it will not count as an absence.

●  Suspension.  The days of suspension do not count as absences for attendance policy.

District Procedures:

●  All schools will follow the same policy.

●  Parents will be notified of accumulated absences, excused and unexcused, in a timely manner by the school.

●  Notification of accumulated absences will occur by one of the following methods, phone call, e-mail, or written letter.  The school's automated phone call will be made daily on all unexcused absences.  Letters will be mailed home after the fifth (5th) and ninth (9th) total absence.

●  In order for an absence to be excused, the parents must call the attendance office by the time and day specified by the school.

●  Unexcused absences will be distinguished from excused absences.       A list will be available daily.

●  Tardies will be considered a discipline problem and handled accordingly.

●  The eleventh (11th) total absence will result in loss of credit for the class, unless there are extenuating circumstances.  Extenuating circumstances could include, but are not limited to, hospitalization, personal/health issues, family issues, college visits, runaways, substance abuse rehabilitation, or parental decision.  An exemption to this regulation will be for students at Compadre High School, who have extenuating situations.

●  The sixteenth (16th) total absence, excused or unexcused, will result in a loss of credit for the class, unless the student is on a chronic health plan.

All procedures followed will comply with due process policies.


●  Excused absence.  Students will be allowed the number of days absent to make up assignments.  Work that was assigned prior to an absence will be due upon return to class.

●  Unexcused absence.  Students will be accountable for information missed.

●  During disciplinary procedures:

■  Short-term Suspension:  Course assignments for students on short-term suspension will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling students to remain  current  in  their  assigned  course  work.    Credit will be given for work completed while on short-term suspension.

     Alternative to Short-Term Suspension:  Course assignments for students assigned to the Alternative to Short-Term Suspension Program will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling students to remain current in their assigned course work.  Credit will be given for work completed while on the Alternative to Short-Term Suspension Program.

■  Long-Term Suspension:  The student shall be allowed to remain enrolled in school pending the outcome of any hearing.  The student will remain suspended until the conclusion of the hearing.  The student's course assignments will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling the student to earn credit in his/her assigned course work pending the outcome of the hearing.

     Alternative to Long-Term Suspension:  Upon the decision by the student and the parents/guardians to accept the District hearing officer's reassignment to the Alternative to Long-Term Suspension Program, the student's course assignments will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling the student to earn credit in his/her assigned course work.  Students will earn credit for completed course work, while enrolled into the Alternative to Long-Term Suspension Program.

■  Expulsion:  The student shall be allowed to remain enrolled in school pending the outcome of the hearing.  The student will remain suspended until the conclusion of the hearing.  The student's course assignments will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling the student to earn credit in his/her assigned course work pending the outcome of the hearing.

     Alternative to Expulsion:  Upon the decision by the student and the parents/guardians to accept the District hearing officer's reassignment to the Alternative to Expulsion Program, the student's course assignments will be provided by the teachers of record with the purpose of enabling the student to earn credit in his/her assigned course work.  Students will earn credit for completed course work, while enrolled into the Alternative to Expulsion Program.

School Procedures:

●  Timelines and methods for notification of accumulated absences will be determined by each school.

●  Timelines during which excused absences can be reported will be determined by each school.

●  Placement of the student, after loss of credit, will be determined at each school.

●  Teacher and administrative responsibility will be determined at each school.