(Promotion or Retention of Elementary Students;
High School Course Pass or Fail)

Regular  Education

The District is dedicated to the continuous development of each student.

Year to year promotion of a student in grades one (1) through eight (8) will be based upon standards for each basic subject area as identified in the course of study.  The District may conduct a ceremony to honor pupils who have been promoted from the eighth (8th) grade.

The District standards that students must achieve shall include accomplishment of the standards in reading, written communication, mathematics, science, and social studies adopted by the State Board of Education.

The promotion of a student from grade three (3) shall be conditioned on the satisfaction of the applicable competency requirements prescribed by A.R.S. 15-701 and depicted in Administrative Regulation IKE-RB.

In addition to these standards, test scores, grades, teacher-principal recommendations, and other pertinent data will be used to determine promotion.

Retention of students is a process that is followed when the professional staff, in consultation with the parent, determines it to be in the best interests of the student.  Though primary grades are suggested as the most appropriate time, retention may be considered at any grade level.

When circumstances indicate that retention is in the best interest of the student, the student will have individual consideration, and decisions will be made only after a careful study of facts relating to all phases of the student's growth and development.  The student's academic achievement level and mental ability are important, but physical and social characteristics are also important factors.  A decision should be based on sufficient data, collected over a period of time and motivated by a desire to place students in school programs where they will be the most successful.

The earning of credit for a high school course is based on the student's satisfactory completion of the course academic requirements as demonstrated by the student's course grade and the student's demonstration of mastery on an end-of-course assessment as applicable.  Periodic grade reports shall inform the student and the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student's progress in a course.  The teacher should further inform and confer with the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) whenever the student's lack of satisfactory progress in the high school course indicates a trend toward the student receiving a failing course grade.  No course credit is granted for a failing grade.

In addition to the above, such decisions, when applied to students enrolled in special education, shall be on a case-by-case basis, consistent with the individualized education program and in accordance with A.A.C. R7-2-301 and R7-2-401.

Special  Education

Students who do not meet regular promotion requirements must meet the course of study and promotion requirements for special education under the guidance of A.A.C. R7-2-401.  The programs for such students may include adaptations.

Any student unable to meet regular academic requirements for promotion must meet the requirements of an alternative curriculum derived from the regular curriculum, which will be developed by an individualized educational program (IEP) team on an individual basis.  Students placed in special education will complete the course of study as prescribed in their individual promotion plans and implemented through their individual education programs.  Course work will be presented at a level commensurate with the student's ability.  The student's permanent file shall identify the courses completed through special education; however, the student will receive the standard certificate of promotion.

Adopted:  June 7, 2016

I84 - 016

IHA - Basic Instructional Program
IKEB - Acceleration