Discrimination against an otherwise qualified individual with a disability or any individual by reason of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran's and military status, sexual orientation and gender expression or identity by all persons, including administrators and supervisors, is prohibited and will not be tolerated.  Retaliation against any individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate on the basis of any of these factors, or for filing a discrimination charge or internal complaint, testifying or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding or litigation is also prohibited.  Efforts will be made in recruitment and employment to ensure equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons.

Age discrimination in employment matters means discrimination against an individual based on that person being forty (40) years of age or older.

These prohibitions against discrimination apply in all employment matters, including, without limitation, recruitment, hiring, compensation, training, assignment, layoff/reduction in force, discipline, dismissal, retirement plans, early retirement incentive programs and all other terms, conditions and privileges of employment.

The District will investigate allegations of discrimination and retaliation based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran's and military status, sexual orientation and gender expression or identity promptly, fairly, reasonably and effectively, through use of the compliance officer designated in Regulation GBA-R or other appropriate investigators, and will take appropriate corrective action to eliminate unlawful discrimination and retaliation.

Adopted:  May 18, 2016


AC - Nondiscrimination
ACA - Sexual Harassment
IHBA - Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations for Disabled Students
JB - Equal Educational Opportunities
KED - Public Concerns/Complaints about Facilities or Services