District equipment may be used by school or nonschool agencies and individuals for purposes that are not in conflict with any Arizona Revised Statute(s), federal or state rules or regulations, or Board policies, subject to the following:
A. The District shall not incur any expense due to the use of materials or equipment.
B. The Superintendent shall establish procedures for approval of the use of materials or equipment, or shall submit requests to the Governing Board for review and action.
C. The District shall not be in competition with any local business firm that could provide like equipment.
D. Rental fees will be charged or waived, as appropriate, by the District. Income from charges will be deposited to the civic center fund.
E. Any person or agency using such materials or equipment that is lost or damaged during such period of use shall be required to reimburse the District for repair or replacement.
Adopted: date of Manual adoption
KF - Community Use of School Facilities