Employment  Status

All personnel are either term employees or at-will employees of the School.

Term employee.  A term employee is a staff member who is employed by the School pursuant to a written contract that specifies the duration of the employment contract, which shall not exceed one (1) year.  All staff members who are not term employees are at-will employees.

At-will employee.  An at-will employee is a staff member who is employed by the School for no specific term and who has no right of continued employment.  The employment of an at-will employee may be terminated by action of the School for no reason, without advance notice, as the Executive Director desires.  No employee shall have the authority to make any agreement or contract to the contrary or any agreement with an at-will employee for any specified period of time.  No School policy or item within the School's handbook is intended to - and shall not operate to - create any property or contract rights inconsistent with the at-will employment status of staff members.

Every fiscal year, each School employee will be provided a total compensation statement that is broken down by category of benefit or payment and that includes, for that employee, at least all of the following:

A.  Base salary and any additional pay.

B.  Medical benefits and the value of any employer-paid portions of insurance plan premiums.

C.  Retirement benefit plans, including social security.

D.  Legally required benefits.

E.  Any paid leave.

F.  Any other payment made to or on behalf of the employee.

G.  Any other benefit provided to the employee.

Adopted:  date of Handbook adoption

GCF - Professional Staff Hiring