(District Travel Policy -
Employees and Governing Board Members)

Administrative  Requirements

Administrators shall be responsible for making certain that the use of school vehicles is not abused inside or outside the District, and it is the responsibility of such administrative personnel to assure that all travel has final approval from the District administration office.  Use of private vehicles for school purposes must be approved by the Superintendent.

Use  of  School  Vehicles

No school vehicle shall be used for personal business, unless the personal business is incidental to a school-related trip.  On a space-available basis, an employee's or Governing Board member's family may be included on an out-of-town trip if approval is granted by the Superintendent.  Only Governing Board members or District employees may drive the vehicle.  A school vehicle shall not be taken to an employee's or Governing Board member's home at night unless the employee or Governing Board member has permission from the Superintendent.

Use  of  Private  Vehicle

Only when authorized by the Superintendent, a private vehicle may be used at the mileage rate set by the District, and reimbursement for mileage will be given to the owner of the private vehicle.  Credit for mileage outside the District will be given for school business only.  An employee or Governing Board member using a private vehicle for a school trip shall not claim mileage for any purely personal use of the vehicle during said trip.

Each District employee or Governing Board member authorized to use a private vehicle for District purposes shall be notified in writing that the employee's or Governing Board member's automobile insurance is the primary coverage and District insurance coverage is secondary.

Each employee or Governing Board member authorized to use a private vehicle for school business purposes will be required to present proof of insurance to the District.

Accident  Report

Any accident (no matter how minor) in a school vehicle or in any private vehicle while on school business is to be reported immediately to the District transportation office, or to an administrator if the accident occurs after school hours.  The business office shall immediately report the accident to the District's insurance company.

Adopted:  November 20, 2005


DKC - Expense Authorization/Reimbursement
EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
GBEFA - Staff Use of Digital Wireless Communications or
                Electronic Devices While Operating a Motor Vehicle