Below are the web publishing guidelines which must be followed by Lake Havasu Unified School District (LHUSD) personnel.

Lake Havasu Unified School District (LHUSD) publishes web pages to provide:

●  Information within the Lake Havasu Unified School District.

●  Information to the community.

●  Another avenue for staff and students to present their work.

●  Additional instructional resources.

●  Parent communication.

Publishing privileges are provided to staff who have been so authorized.  Creators of web pages need to familiarize themselves with, and practice the following guidelines and responsibilities, or pages may not be published.  All pages related to school buildings must be approved by the school principal.  All pages related to the District must be approved by a District director.

Directory structure will be determined by the Director of Technology and the technology department.

Content  Standards

Subject Matter

All subject matter of District web pages and their links must relate to education, curriculum and instruction, school-authorized activities, or information about the District or its mission.  Do not post or link to inappropriate material.  Web pages are not to be used for personal gain.  Staff and students' work may be published only as it relates to class projects, courses, and other educationally-related activities and a signed Public Media Release Form is on file.  Any student page linked to a District page must adhere to these guidelines. 


All work should be free of any spelling and grammatical errors.  It is understood that student pages may not be "perfect" in every sense of the word.  Documents may not contain objectionable material or link directly to objectionable material (i.e., material that is defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, harmful, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal).

The District does not take responsibility for the contents of outside sites nor endorses the "points of view" represented at any particular site. 


Copyright law and District policy do not allow the republishing of text or graphics found on the Web on the District web sites or web servers without explicit written permission of the creator.

●  For each republishing (on a web page) of a graphic or a text file which was produced externally, there must be a notice at the bottom of the page crediting the original creator.  In many cases, that notice should also include a link back to the original source.

●  A sample Copyright Form for obtaining permission to publish copyrighted material is available on the District web page.

Student Safeguards:

●  Web pages may include the first name and/or photo of the student (you must have a signed Public Media Release Form from the parent[s] or legal guardian).

●  The District discourages publishing individual photos.

●  Never publish student's last names.

●  Web pages shall not include individual student's home telephone number, address, names of other family members or friends, e-mail addresses, or other personally identifiable information unless authorized to do so by designated school authorities.

●  No student work shall be published without permission of the student and parent(s) or legal guardian.

●  The school principal will make final decisions on publishing student pictures (digitized or video) and audio clips.

Technical Standards

In the interest of maintaining a consistent identity, professional appearance, and ease of use and maintenance, the following standards are established for all District web pages.  The authorized staff member who is publishing a final web page will edit, test the document for accurate links, update the content, and ensure that the page meets the requirements specified in this document.  Each web page added to the District web site must contain certain common elements:

●  District:

■  A link that returns the user to appropriate points in the District.

■  Limited use of extensive files with tiled backgrounds and large and/or multiple graphics.

■  Links and content are up-to-date.

■  Pages may not contain links to other pages that are not yet complete.  If further pages are anticipated but not yet developed, the text that will provide the link should be included but may not be made active until the further page is actually in place.

■  Only District e-mail addresses for staff members (no personal e-mail addresses).

In addition to the District common elements listed above, each school web page must contain these additional items:

●  School:

■  Name of the school including school contact information (address, phone, etc.).

■  Current Staff List with District staff e-mail hyperlinked.

■  Graphic of school mascot.

■  Link to the Arizona State Standards.

Staff members with questions regarding these guidelines are advised to check with their building principals, the Instructional Technologist, the District Web Master or the Director of Technology.