The regular school attendance of a child of school age is required by state law.  Regular school attendance is essential for success in school; therefore, absences shall be excused only for necessary and important reasons.  Such reasons include illness, bereavement, other family emergencies, and observance of major religious holidays of the family's faith.

The Sunnyside District curriculum and classroom instructional practices are designed upon the premise  that students are in class. Good attendance in school is also an important academic behavior with clear ties to student success.  For these reasons, parents are encouraged to minimize the amount of class time missed due to scheduled appointments. 

Support will be given for class time missed due to excused absences (see Make-up Work, Getting Assignments, and Chronic Health).  In addition, students are able to demonstrate mastery through alternative means, such as credit by exam, can reference the Exhibit to Policy IKF: Graduation Requirements, including IKF-RC: Credit by Exam Recommendations and IKF-EC Credit by Exam Referral Form.

In the event of a necessary absence known in advance, the parent is expected to inform the school; if the absence is caused by emergency, such as illness, the parent is expected to telephone the school office.  When a student returns to school following any absence, a note of explanation from the parent is required.

When  Absent  from  School

State law mandates that the school record reasons for all student absences.  Therefore, when a student is absent, it will be necessary for the parent to call the school on or before the day of the absence in order to advise the school as to the reason for the absence.  When it is impossible to call on the day of the absence, the school should be notified on the morning the student returns, in time for the student to obtain an admission slip prior to the student's first class.  All absences not verified by parental or administrative authorization will remain unexcused.

If a parent does not have access to a phone, either at home or at work, a note will be accepted for verification purposes.

For absences greater than one (1) day in length, the school should be notified each day of the absence.

All personnel will solicit cooperation from parents in the matter of school attendance and punctuality, particularly in regard to the following:

●  The scheduling of medical and dental appointments after school hours except in cases of emergency.

●  The scheduling of family vacations during school vacation and recess periods.

The school may require an appointment card or a letter from a hospital or clinic when the parent has not notified the school of an appointment of a medical or dental nature.

School administrators are authorized to excuse students from school for necessary and justifiable reasons.

Adopted:  July 20, 2016


JE - Student Attendance