(Use of Electronic Resources -
Internet Safety Regulation)

It is the policy of the District that access to the Internet at District and school sites is to be used as an educational and/or work-related resource.  Such access shall be made available subject to such rules and regulations listed in the Internet Use Policy IJNDB.

The District reserves the right to refuse access to the Internet to anyone when it deems it necessary to the public interest.


Access to the Internet.  A computer shall be considered to have access to the Internet if such computer is connected to a computer network which has access to the Internet.

Minor shall mean any individual who has not attained the age of eighteen (18).

Obscene shall have the meaning given such term in section 1460 of Title 18, United States Code.

Child pornography shall have the meaning given such term in section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code.

Harmful to minors shall mean any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

●  taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;

●  depicts describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and

●  taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.

Hacking shall mean attempting to gain unauthorized access to computer and network systems connected to the Internet.  This would include any other District owned computers and/or systems which might not be connected to the Internet.

Internet resources protection measure shall refer to the District's Internet protocol access filter which works in combination with the web content security filter that controls access to unauthorized web content based on regulatory compliance with federal law such as the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Authorized staff member as used in this policy shall refer to an adult staff member appointed by the District.

Blocking as used in this policy refers to the complete denial of connection to a given Internet site or category.

Filtering as used in this policy refers to the partial denial of use or total denial of use to a given Internet site or category. 

Electronic resources shall refer to any device, communication tool or Intra- or Internet online resource including but not limited to laptops, netbooks, PC computers, PDAs or Smart cell phones (i.e., texting, video recording, photographs).

Access  to  Internet  by  Minors

Minors accessing Internet and technology services provided by the District shall be subject to the following rules and regulations:

●  Minors shall not access material or create content that is obscene, pornographic, harmful to minors, or otherwise inappropriate.

●  Minors shall not use District electronic resources to engage in hacking or attempts to otherwise compromise any electronic resource or network system's security.

●  Minors shall not engage in any illegal activities on the Internet.

●  Minors shall not disclose personal identification information such as addresses and telephone numbers on the Internet.

Access  to  Internet  by  Adults

Adults accessing Internet and District technology services shall be subject to the following rules and regulations:

●  Adults shall not access material that is obscene, child pornography, or otherwise inappropriate for training or work-related uses.

●  Adults shall not use District technology resources to engage in unauthorized hacking or attempts to otherwise compromise any computer or network system's security.

●  Adults will be held to the same standards for use of the Internet as students.

●  Adults shall not engage in illegal activities on the Internet.

Internet  Resource  Protection 

The District shall use Internet resource protection measures that block and/or filter Internet access to prevent access to Internet sites that are not in accordance with the policies of the District.  The District may utilize measures which monitor Internet usage.

The Internet resource protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access may be disabled by an authorized staff member for bona fide research purposes if such has been approved by the District's administrative cabinet.

An authorized Information Technology department staff member may override the Internet resource protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access for a minor to access a site for bona fide research or other lawful purposes during which time the minor will be monitored directly by the authorized staff member or the authorized staff member's designee.

Internet categories of sites which shall be blocked and/or filtered by the District include the following:

Adult Material - BlockedRoot category that contains the categories:  Adult Content, Lingerie and Swimsuit, Nudity, Sex, Sex Education.

●  Adult Content.  Sites that display full or partial nudity in a sexual context, but not sexual activity; erotica; sexual paraphernalia; sex-oriented businesses as clubs, nightclubs, escort services; and sites supporting online purchase of such goods and services.

●  Lingerie and Swimsuit.  Sites that offer images of models in suggestive but not lewd costume, with semi-nudity permitted.  Includes classic 'cheese-cake,' calendar, and pinup art and photography.  Includes also sites offering lingerie or swimwear for sale.

●  Nudity. Sites that offer depictions of nude or seminude human forms, singly or in groups, not overtly sexual in intent or effect.

●  Sex.  Sites that depict or graphically describe sexual acts or activity, including exhibitionism; also sites offering direct links to such sites.

●  Sex Education.  Sites that offer information about sex and sexuality, with no pornographic intent.

Drugs - Blocked.  Root category that contains the categories:  Abused Drugs, Prescribed Medications, Marijuana, Supplements/Unregulated Compounds.

●  Abused Drugs.  Sites that promote or provide information about the use of prohibited drugs, except marijuana, or the abuse or unsanctioned use of controlled or regulated drugs; also, paraphernalia associated with such use or abuse.

●  Marijuana.  Sites that provide information about or promote the cultivation, preparation, or use of marijuana.

●  Prescribed Medications.  Sites that provide information about approved drugs and their medical use.

●  Supplements and Unregulated Compounds.  Sites that provide information about or promote the sale or use of chemicals not regulated by the FDA (such as naturally occurring compounds).

Gambling - Blocked.  Sites that provide information about or promote gambling or support online gambling, involving a risk of losing money.

Games - Blocked (deferred to after work/school).  Sites that provide information about or promote electronic games, video games, computer games, role-playing games, or online games. Includes sweepstakes and giveaways.

Illegal or Questionable Sites - Blocked.  Sites that provide instruction in or promote nonviolent crime or unethical or dishonest behavior or the avoidance of prosecution therefor.

Information Technology.  Sites sponsored by or providing information about computers, software, the Internet, and related business firms, including sites supporting the sale of hardware, software, peripherals, and services.

●  Computer Security - Blocked.  Sites that provide information about or free downloadable tools for computer security.

●  Hacking - Blocked.  Sites that provide information about or promote illegal or questionable access to or use of computer or communication equipment, software, or databases. 

●  Proxy Avoidance - Blocked.  Sites that provide information about how to bypass proxy server features or to gain access to URLs in any way that bypasses the proxy server.

●  URL Translation Sites - Blocked.  Sites that offer online translation of URLs.  These sites access the URL to be translated in a way that bypasses the proxy server, potentially allowing unauthorized access.

Militancy and Extremist - Blocked.  Sites that offer information about or promote or are sponsored by groups advocating antigovernment beliefs or action.

Racism and Hate - Blocked.  Sites that promote the identification of racial groups, the denigration or subjection of groups, or the superiority of any group.

Violence - Blocked.  Sites that feature or promote violence or bodily harm, including self-inflicted harm; or that gratuitously display images of death, gore, or injury; or that feature images or descriptions that are grotesque or frightening and of no redeeming value.

Weapons - Blocked.  Sites that provide information about, promote, or support the sale of weapons and related items.

Internet  Policy  Challenge  Procedure

An individual who has been granted access to the Internet by the District and desires to access an Internet site that is not compliant with Policy IJNDB or this regulation may challenge the enforcement of the policy according to the following procedures:

●  Internet site review requests should be directed to the information technology executive director in writing or e-mail for consideration.  If the executive director determines that the site has educational purpose, the executive director shall have the authority to unblock or change the filter of that site.  If the director is unsure as to the educational validity of the site, then the request shall be referred to the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services to make the final determination. 

●  The Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services will review the site within seven (7) working days of submission of the request and, if deemed appropriate for educational or work-related purposes, may give direction to unblock the site. 

●  District principals will regulate enforcement of Policy IJNDB and its accompanying regulation(s), including disciplinary actions, and shall forward to the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services any challenges to the severity of the applied discipline.

●  Challenges to the application or enforcement of the District Internet Safety Policy (IJNDB) which cannot be resolved at the levels outlined in the preceding steps will be handled in accordance with established grievance policy or at the Superintendent's administrative cabinet and/or Board level for challenges presented in writing.