The agenda shall list the specific matters to be discussed, considered or decided at the meeting.  Except for a meeting through technological devices, the agenda and notice shall also include the time that the public will have physical access to the meeting place.  The Governing Board may discuss, consider or make decisions only on matters listed on the agenda and other matters related thereto.  (Subject to A.R.S. 38-431.02)

Unless changed by a majority vote of Board members present at a meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:

Regular meetings:

I.  Call to order

II.  Pledge of allegiance

III.  Adoption of the agenda 

IV.  Board Pledge

V.  Information only items (Good Things) (Items to be heard only; the Board will not propose, discuss, or take legal action during the meeting unless the specific matter is properly noticed for legal action.)

a.  Superintendent (Good Things)

Celebrations and recognitions

b.  Governing Board members (Good Things)

              Celebrations and recognitions

           VI. Information and Discussion items (Matters about which the Board may engage in discussion but will take no action during the meeting.)

VII.  Public comments (Members of the Governing Board shall not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during an open call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.)

VIII.  Action items (Matters on which the Governing Board may take legal action during the meeting.)

1.  Consent agenda items (When so presented, should fully describe the matters on the agenda and inform the public where more information can be obtained.)  Board Meeting minutes not previously approved.

2.  Specific items of District business (As listed for consideration, may include various categorical areas as the business of the District necessitates Board discussion, deliberation, and action.)

IX..    Information items (The Board will not propose, discuss, or take legal action during the meeting.)

Requests for future agenda items

            X.  Launch

XI.   Adjourn

Special meetings:

I.  Call to order

II.  Items for which the special meeting was called (May include timely action, discussion, and information items as conditioned for regular meetings.)

III.  Announcements

IV.  Adjournment

Executive sessions:

An executive session may be scheduled, as necessary, during either a regular or special meeting.  (See Arizona Attorney General Agency Handbook Section 7.6.7.)

1.  When an executive session is to be held, the notice must state the specific provision of law authorizing the executive session.

2.  The Board may vote to hold an executive session for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from the Board's attorney on any matter listed on the agenda pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(3).

Emergency meetings

In the case of an actual emergency, the Governing Board, after giving such notice as is appropriate to the circumstances, may act on an emergency matter or call an emergency meeting in accordance with the requirements set out in A.R.S. 38-431.02.  The emergency meeting shall follow the order of business for a special meeting.  An emergency meeting shall be subsequently followed by the posting of a public notice within twenty-four (24) hours declaring that an emergency session has been held and setting forth the information specified by 38-431.02.  Chapter 7 of the Arizona Agency Handbook shall be consulted for guidance when an emergency action or meeting is being considered.

Accommodations  for  the  Disabled

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Superintendent's office at (928) 472-5753.  Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation.

Adopted:  November 13, 2023


BDB - Board Officers
BEC - Executive Sessions/Open Meetings