(District  Mission  and
Guiding  Principles)

Our District’s mission is to engage each student with a focus on scholarship, character, and humanity – so that all students may graduate with the academic and social skills necessary to become responsible citizens and contributing members of society.

Our guiding principles ex­press commitment to the community's students and reflect the unity of purpose we must demonstrate as a school district and community.  The success of our students is the base upon which our future rests.

These guiding principles articulate the roles we are challenged to assume.  The Lake Havasu Unified School District defines the commitment that our community can expect from all staff members and suggests key ways the com­munity can best influence the education of students.

The term "community" represents students, par­ents, School District personnel, businesses, organizations, city agencies, and every citizen.  Through our combined effort, we share the re­sponsibility and successes evident in our students' development. 

Adopted:  June 20, 2017