The Board will approve and adopt all new textbooks and supplementary books.  The Superintendent shall establish textbook selection procedures that shall provide for the appropriate involvement of staff members, students, and community members and follow the requirements of statute.  These procedures may provide for the establishment of textbook selection committees.  Recommendations from textbook selection committees will be forwarded to the Superintendent.

Public  Review

Meetings of authorized textbook selection committees shall comply with open meeting law requirements. A.R.S. 15-721(F) or 15-722(B).

Textbooks for high schools recommended by textbook selection committees will be placed on display in the District office for a period of at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the Board will consider their adoption.  Information related to high school textbooks, which are proposed for approval, shall be placed on the District website.

In recommending books, the committees will strive for continuity of textbooks throughout the different grades and use the same book series in all classes of the same grade.

"Textbook" means printed instructional materials or digital content, or both, and related printed or nonprinted instructional materials, that are written and published primarily for use in school instruction and that are required by a state educational agency or a local educational agency for use by pupils in the classroom, including materials that require the availability of electronic equipment in order to be used as a learning resource.

Requests by parents to review instructional materials should be made pursuant to the procedures set forth in Policy IJ and Regulation IJ-R.

Objectives  of  Selection

It is the responsibility of the school textbook committees to:

A.  Recommend resources that will support and enrich the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, learning styles, equity, inclusion and diversity, and maturity levels of students served.

B.  Recommend resources that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, multiple perspectives or the examination of different viewpoints or opinions within the context of academic instruction.

C.  Place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the recommendation of resources of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection of resources appropriate for the complete education of all students.

The Superintendent will establish procedures for the purchase and distribution of all necessary textbooks, supplemental books, and other related instructional materials from the adopted list free of cost to students.

Removal  of  Textbooks/Supplementary

Textbook selection committees may recommend to the Superintendent that certain previously adopted textbooks or supplementary materials be deleted from the Board-approved list.  Textbooks and supplementary materials will not be deleted without the approval of the Board.

Disposal  of  Learning  Materials

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish regulations for the disposal of surplus or outdated learning materials when it has been determined that the cost of selling such materials equals or exceeds estimated market value of the learning materials.

Adopted:  November 1, 2023


DN - School Properties Disposition
IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption
KEC - Public Concerns/Complaints about Instructional Resources