Field trips must be planned within the context of the school program and must be appropriate for the age level, grade level, and curriculum. Due to limitations imposed by local conditions, field trips may be limited by the District Administrator. All field trips must be specifically approved by the District Administrator long enough in advance so that arrangements can be made prior to the trip. Before any student is taken from the school grounds on a field trip, written permission must be obtained from the parents or legal guardians. Transportation shall be provided only by District vehicles, driven by authorized personnel.
In general, field trips shall be conducted within the normal school day and shall be limited to a distance of not more than one hundred and fifty miles one way from the school. Longer trips or overnight trips must have Governing Board approval. The District will not sponsor, approve, support, or encourage field trips that do not meet the criteria outlined in this policy, unless the Board gives approval after a presentation justifying the specific need for the exception.
Adopted: date of Manual adoption