Selection  Process

All applicants will be accepted if there is sufficient capacity.  If there is insufficient capacity, applicants will be selected from the submitted applications for enrollment in a school in accordance with a random selection process except where policy may indicate otherwise.  Pupils shall be selected for enrollment from the waiting list in the order in which the pupils were placed on the waiting list through the random selection process, or as otherwise provided by policy.


The procedure for selection shall be as follows:

●  The applicants will be divided by priority categories and have their names placed on separate pieces of paper and the papers placed in a container.  Names will be drawn by priority categories and numbered in the order in which they are drawn.  All applications properly submitted will be drawn and numbered for enrollment consideration.  The applicants whose names are selected in order, up to the capacity limitations established, shall be permitted to enroll in the school.  All others drawn will be placed on a waiting list with priority in accord with the lowest number.