Competitive  Food

Competitive food are foods sold or served during the school day im competition with the National Scholol Breakfast and Lunch Program.  The principal may approve competitive foods if:

A.  All income from the sale of such foods accrue to the benefit of:

1.  The nonprofit school food service; or

2.  The school or student organizaiton approved by the District.

B.  The school promotes an overall school enviromnent that encourages students to make healthy food choices.

C.  Nutrition standards for competitive foods and beverages must, at a minimum, meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines.  These guidelines apply t all foods sold and served during the school day.


Fund-raisers ideally should not be food sales.  If a student organization would like to sell food as a fund-raiser, foods sold should be Smart Snack compliant.  If a student organization would like to sell foods that are not Smart Snack Complilant, a nutrition label should be available for said food item and a special exemption waiver should be filed with the Arizona Department of Educaiton's Health and Nutrition Services.

Celebrations  and  Rewards

Arizona Law (A.R.S. 15-242) states that all food and beverages served to students in kindergarten through grade eight (K-8) must meet the USDA's Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines.

Food not meeting Smart Standards may be provided, but not sold to students during the school day, in the event of a class celebration or student reward.  These events should occur infrequently.

Food  and  Beverage  Marking
in  Schools

Food and beverage marking is defined as advertising and other promotions in schools.  Food and beverage marketing ofter includes oral, written, or graphic statements made for the purpose of promoting the sale of a food or beverage product  made by the producer, manufacturer, seller or any other entity with a commercial interest in the the product.  All product marketed on the school campus must, at a minimum, meet the Smart Snacks guidelines.

Vending  Machines

Vending machines may be located on school campuses.

Vending machines available to students will only dispense foods that meet Smart Snacks in Schools guidelines as set forth by the Arizona Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs and the U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements for foods and beverages that are sold invididually.  Vending machines shall not compete with the District food service program. 

Adopted:  July 11, 2019

15-242 Nutrition Standards
The National School Lunch Act (42 U. S. C. 1751 et seq.)
   and the Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.), as amended

JL - Student Wellness
LC - Relations with Education Research Agencies