(Guiding Principles of
Lake Havasu Unified School District)

Our guiding principles ex­press commitment to the community's students and reflect the unity of purpose we must demonstrate as a school district and community.  The success of our students is the base upon which our future rests.

These guiding principles articulate the roles we are challenged to assume.  The Lake Havasu Unified School District defines the commitment that our community can expect from all staff members and suggests key ways the com­munity can best influence the education of students.

The term "community" represents students, par­ents, School District personnel, businesses, organizations, city agencies, and every citizen.  Through our combined effort, we share the re­sponsibility and successes evident in our students' development. 

The following five (5) areas are among the building blocks for academic success:

Basic Skills

The basic skills of reading, mathematics, and the com­munication skills of writing, speaking, and listen­ing are the foundation for intellectual develop­ment and lifelong learning.

Foundational Curriculum

Our curriculum is defined as the essential skills within each subject and grade level.  The subjects of this curriculum include English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, Career and Technical Education, Physical Education, and Foreign Language.  Students entering adulthood need a framework of knowledge in the foundational curriculum areas to be successful and to think critically about the issues our society will face.

Study Skills

The development of study skills and self-discipline are integral and indispensable elements of a quality educational process.

Character Skills

To meet the challenges of daily living, we model and reinforce a willingness to work coop­eratively toward personal and common goals.  We promote the development of the following body of acquired skills and character traits:

●  Honesty, integrity, trust, and respect for the dignity of all.

●  Problem solving, reasoning, and creative thinking.

●  Goal setting, responsible decision making, and independent thinking.

●  Social skills and coping skills.

●  Development of a healthy life style.

●  Development of a pro­ductive work ethic.

●  Effective communication and leadership.

Physical Environment

We are committed to the proper maintenance of buildings and the efficient use of space within them.  An appropriate environment contributes to a successful learning experience.

The  Role  of  Students

The Lake Havasu City community provides the opportunity for all students to learn.  Students are expected to:

●  Be active participants and take responsibility in the learning process.

●  Maintain a good attendance record.

●  Be on time and prepared with materials and assignments.

●  Be respectful of others and the learning environment.

●  Respect school property.  

●  Work to the very best of their ability.

●  Communicate concerns and solutions.

The  Role  of  Parents

Parents are a student's first and most lasting teachers.  Parents are encouraged to reinforce the edu­cational process by:

●  Understanding the guiding principles and the importance of their support with their student's education.

●  Holding students accountable for their respon­sibilities.

●  Reinforcing the completion of homework.

●  Encouraging and recognizing educational suc­cess.

●  Supporting the discipline guidelines to ensure learning of all students.

●  Seeking information and staying informed.

●  Participating in school activities.

●  Ensuring their students attend classes regularly and on time.

●  Communicating concerns and solutions.

Role  of  School  District  Personnel

The family, school, and community partner­ship is one of mutual commitments.  We ex­pect that school personnel will nurture and treat each student with respect by:

●  Supporting the implementation of the guiding principles.

●  Modeling and reinforcing positive behavior.

●  Modeling the concept of lifelong learning.

●  Maintaining a safe and positive learning environment.

●  Following the District curriculum maps to assure equal access to information for all students.

●  Making responsible and efficient use of resources.

●  Maintaining open lines of communi­cation with parents and within all levels of the District and community.

●  Holding themselves accountable to high professional standards.

●  Communicating concerns and solutions.

The  Role  of  the  Administration

Administrators have the responsibility to monitor the educa­tional process and work diligently with all stakeholders.  We expect administrators to support the educational process by:

●  Hiring and supporting staff that will carry out the implementation of the guiding principles.

●  Modeling the concept of lifelong learning and supporting personal and professional growth in all staff.

●  Holding staff accountable to high stan­dards in the implementation of their job duties.

●  Developing systems that promote and enhance student achievement.

●  Monitoring the learning environment to en­sure safety and discipline.

●  Building trust and positive relations with personnel, parents, and community.

●  Modeling the open and honest communication expected from all constituencies.

●  Monitoring curriculum and adapting as necessary to meet local, state, and na­tional needs.

●  Addressing educational issues at the state and federal levels.

●  Communicating concerns and solutions.

The  Role  of  the  Governing  Board

The School Board is elected by the community and has the responsibility to monitor the educa­tional process and work diligently on their behalf.  We expect them to support the educational process by:

●  Hiring and supporting leadership that will carry out the implementation of the guiding principles.

●  Modeling the concept of lifelong learning and supporting personal and professional growth.

●  Ensuring staff accountability to high stan­dards and student achievement.

●  Building trust and positive relations with personnel, parents, and community.

●  Modeling open and honest communication.

●  Adopting curriculum as necessary to meet local, state, and na­tional needs.

●  Addressing educational issues at the state and federal levels.

●  Communicating concerns and solutions.

The  Roles  Of  Citizens,  Agencies, 
Organizations,  Businesses  and 


The Lake Havasu City com­munity makes important decisions that impact our schools.  Our students are best served when informed de­cisions are made.  We encourage our community to:

●  Support and model the implementation of the guiding principles.

●  Follow school happenings and ask ques­tions to seek clarification.

●  Attend work study sessions and School Board meetings in order to be involved in the decision-making process.

●  Visit classes and school functions to  un­derstand the  nature of the school system's programs.

●  Become involved in educational activities as volunteers or committee members.

●  Provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable  experiences.

●  Communicate concerns and solutions.


Trust and unity of purpose are created through genuine interaction and sharing of information.  Communication is a skill we teach, model, and actively use.  Our ability to listen, communicate, and be transparent with our students, schools, parents, community, and peer groups is essential to our District’s success.  As a community working together on behalf of our students, communication is the key.

The  Educational  Partnership

Nurturing students to their fullest potential is a complex and interdependent task.  The lives of students are touched daily by many people.  Eve­ryone has an impact on the well-being of students and the quality of their intellectual development.  We invite all stakeholders to work with us to achieve our goals.  The Guiding Principles affirm how Lake Havasu Unified School District No. 1 will:

engage each student with a focus on scholarship, character, and humanity – so that all students may graduate with the academic and social skills necessary to become responsible citizens and contributing members of society.

Adopted:  June 20, 2017

Arizona State Constitution, Article XI, Section 1