R7-2-601. Definitions

R7-2-602. Professional Teaching Standards

R7-2-603. Professional Administrative Standards

R7-2-604. Professional Preparation Programs

R7-2-605. Duties of the Director of Certification

R7-2-606. Proficiency Assessments

R7-2-607. General Certification Provisions

R7-2-608. Elementary Teaching Certificates

R7-2-609. Secondary Teaching Certificates

R7-2-610. Special Education Teaching Certificates

R7-2-611. Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificates

R7-2-612. Other Teaching Certificates

R7-2-613. Endorsements

R7-2-614. Administrative Certificates

R7-2-615. Other Professional Certificates

R7-2-616. Fees

R7-2-617. Renewal Requirements

R7-2-618. Certification Time-frames

R7-2-619. Reciprocity

R7-2-620. Qualification Requirements of Professional, Non-Teaching School Personnel

R7-2-601. Definitions

In this Article, the following definitions apply unless the context otherwise requires:

1. 'Accredited institution' means one which is listed as accredited in the current American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Report. An institution based outside the United States shall be considered accredited if an approved foreign document evaluation firm declares it to be comparable to an accredited American institution.

2. 'Board' means the State Board of Education.

3. 'Department' means the Arizona Department of Education.

4. 'Paraeducator' means an individual trained to perform certain specialized tasks in the occupation of education.

5. 'Paratherapist' means an individual trained to perform certain specialized tasks in the occupation of habilitation.

6. 'Practicum' means a period of structured observation and practice of the skills being learned, supervised by an individual trained in that area. The commonly used terms 'student teaching,' 'internship,' 'residency,' or 'observation course' are included in this definition.

7. 'Professional development' means training to increase skills related to the occupation of education.

8. 'Teaching experience' means full-time employment which included full responsibility for the planning and delivery of instruction and evaluation of student learning.

Historical Note

Former Section R7-2-601 repealed, new Section R7-2-601 adopted effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). Amended subsection (C) effective May 31, 1983 (Supp. 83-3). Amended subsection (I) effective September 12, 1989 (Supp. 89-3). Amended effective August 14, 1991 (Supp. 91-3). Amended effective July 30, 1992 (Supp. 92-3). Section repealed, new Section adopted effective March 10, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). Amended effective July 25, 1994 (Supp. 94-3). Amended effective September 20, 1996 (Supp. 96-3). Amended effective March 6, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). Typographical error corrected in subsection (A) (Supp. 97-3). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 3, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-602. Professional Teaching Standards

A. The standards presented in this Section shall be the basis for approved teacher preparation programs, described in R7-2-604, and the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, described in R7-2-606.

B. Standard 1: The teacher designs and plans instruction that develops students' abilities to meet Arizona's academic standards and the district's assessment plan. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher's planning:

1. Focuses instruction on Arizona's academic standards;

2. Focuses instruction on the school and district's academic standards;

3. Aligns curriculum with the student assessments;

4. Addresses any physical, mental, social, cultural, and community differences among learners;

5. Addresses prior knowledge of individual and group performance;

6. Indicates short and long-term curriculum goals;

7. Includes appropriate use of a variety of methods, materials, and resources;

8. Includes learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate for learners;

9. Includes learning experiences that address a variety of cognitive levels;

10. Includes learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals;

11. Includes learning experiences that are based upon principles of effective instruction;

12. Includes learning experiences that accurately represent content; and

13. Incorporates appropriate assessment of student progress.

C. Standard 2: The teacher creates and maintains a learning climate that supports the development of students' abilities to meet Arizona's academic standards. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:

1. Establishes and maintains standards of mutual respect;

2. Displays effective classroom management;

3. Encourages the student to demonstrate self-discipline and responsibility to self and others;

4. Respects the individual differences among learners;

5. Facilitates people working productively and cooperatively with each other;

6. Provides a motivating learning environment;

7. Promotes appropriate classroom participation;

8. Listens thoughtfully and responsively;

9. Organizes materials, equipment, and other resources appropriately; and

10. Applies to daily practice the ethics of the profession.

D. Standard 3: The teacher implements and manages instruction that develops students' abilities to meet Arizona's academic standards. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:

1. Appropriately implements a teacher-designed lesson plan;

2. Communicates to students specific standards and high expectations for learning;

3. Links learning with students' prior knowledge, experiences, and background;

4. Models the skills, concepts, attributes, or thinking processes to be learned;

5. Demonstrates effective written and oral communication;

6. Uses appropriate language to communicate with learners clearly and accurately;

7. Uses strategies that are appropriate to students' developmental levels;

8. Incorporates strategies which address the diverse needs of learners, and demonstrate multicultural sensitivity;

9. Encourages critical thinking;

10. Connects lesson content to real life situations when appropriate;

11. Uses technology and a variety of instructional resources appropriately;

12. Uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to engage students actively in learning;

13. Maximizes the amount of class time students are engaged in learning which result in a high level of success for students;

14. Provides opportunities for students to use and practice what is learned; and

15. Adjusts instruction based on feedback from students.

E. Standard 4: The teacher assesses learning and communicates results to students, parents and other professionals with respect to students' abilities to meet Arizona's academic standards. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:

1. Promotes student self-assessment;

2. Uses a variety of appropriate formal and informal assessments aligned with instruction;

3. Maintains records of student work and performance and uses them to guide instructional decisions;

4. Offers students and parents appropriate feedback on progress toward learning expectations;

5. Maintains privacy of student records and performance.

F. Standard 5: The teacher collaborates with colleagues, parents, the community and other agencies to design, implement, and support learning programs that develop students' abilities to meet Arizona's academic standards and to transition from school to work or post-secondary education. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:

1. Works with parents to enhance student learning at home and school;

2. Collaborates with other professionals and agencies to improve the overall learning environment for students;

3. Accesses community resources and services to foster student learning;

4. Demonstrates productive leadership and team membership skills that facilitate the development of mutually beneficial goals; and

5. Collaborates with colleagues to achieve school and district goals.

G. Standard 6: The teacher reviews and evaluates his or her overall performance and implements a professional development plan. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher:

1. Reviews his or her practices and evaluates the influences of those practices on student growth and learning;

2. Designs and continually adapts a professional development plan for improving instruction and student learning;

3. Engages in activities that implement the professional development plan;

4. Uses employer's documentation of his or her performance to develop a professional development plan; and

5. Pursues professional activities to support development as a learner and a teacher.

H. Standard 7: The teacher has general academic knowledge as demonstrated by the attainment of a bachelor's degree. The teacher also has specific academic knowledge in his or her subject area or areas sufficient to develop student knowledge and performance to meet Arizona academic standards. The subject knowledge assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher has knowledge of:

1. Skills and concepts related to the subject areas;

a. At the elementary level, the teacher demonstrates knowledge of language arts and reading, math, science, social studies, and fine arts.

b. At the secondary level, the teacher demonstrates knowledge of the subject area or areas he or she is being certified to teach.

2. Major facts and assumptions that are central to the discipline;

3. Debates and the processes of inquiry that are central to the discipline;

4. Integration of disciplinary knowledge with other subject areas; and

5. Connections between knowledge of the subject areas and real life situations at the level of the students being taught.

I. Standard 8: The teacher demonstrates current professional knowledge sufficient to effectively design and plan instruction, implement and manage instruction, create and maintain an appropriate learning environment, and assess student learning. The professional knowledge assessment shall measure the extent to which the teacher has knowledge of:

1. A variety of methods for teaching language arts and reading, math, science, social studies, and fine arts at the elementary level or a variety of methods for teaching reading and the subject area or areas in which the teacher is seeking certification at the secondary level;

2. Interdisciplinary learning experiences that integrate knowledge, skills, and methods of inquiry from several subject areas;

3. Principles and techniques associated with various instructional strategies;

4. Learning theories, subject matter, curriculum development, and student development and how to use this knowledge in planning instruction to meet curriculum goals;

5. Methods for recognizing and accommodating exceptional children;

6. Influences of individual development, experiences, talents, prior learning, language, culture, gender, family, and community on student learning;

7. Principles of human motivation and behavior and their implications for managing the classroom and organizing individual and group work;

8. Effective evaluation of curriculum materials and resources for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and usefulness for representing particular ideas and concepts;

9. The characteristics, uses, advantages, and limitations of different types of assessments for evaluating how students learn, determining what they know and are able to do, and identifying what experiences will support their further growth and development;

10. Measurement theory, interpretation of test results, and assessment-related issues, such as validity, reliability, bias, and scoring;

11. Services and resources to meet the needs of exceptional children and how to access the services and resources;

12. Schools as organizations within the larger community context and the operations of the relevant aspects of the educational system; and

13. Laws and ethics related to student, parent, and teacher rights and responsibilities.

J. Standard 9: In collaboration with other professionals and parents, the special education teacher participates in the design, implementation, and assessment of individualized education programs. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the special education teacher:

1. Demonstrates knowledge of disabilities and their educational implications;

2. Demonstrates knowledge of state and federal special education laws, rules and regulations;

3. Demonstrates knowledge of and the ability to use a variety of assistive devices that support student learning;

4. Applies specialized diagnostic and assessment procedures to assist in determining special education eligibility for all areas of suspected disability;

5. Assists in the design and implementation of individualized education programs through diagnostic teaching, instructional adaptations, and individual behavior management techniques; and

6. Utilizes paraeducators and paratherapists effectively through training and supervision.

Historical Note

Former Section R7-2-602 repealed, new Section R7-2-602 adopted effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). Amended by adding a new subsection (B) effective August 29, 1988 (Supp. 88-3). Amended effective December 15, 1989 (Supp. 89-4). Amended effective July 10, 1992 (Supp. 92-3). Amended effective March 6, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 3, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-603. Professional Administrative Standards

A. The standards presented in this Section shall be the basis for approved administrative preparation programs, described in R7-2-604. The Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment shall assess proficiency in the standards as a requirement for certification of supervisors, principals, and superintendents, as set forth in R7-2-614.

B. Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

1. Develops a mission statement for the organization;

2. Promotes support for and fulfillment of the organization's mission;

3. Provides purpose and direction for individuals and groups within the organization;

4. Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;

5. Facilitates the development of strategic action plans, and goals in cooperation with the community;

6. Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs;

7. Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community;

8. Describes the role of education in a democratic society within an historical context;

9. Uses documentation of his or her performance to design and continually update a professional development plan; and

10. Develops, implements, and monitors changes to the organization's mission to improve student achievement.

C. Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

1. Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;

2. Develops working relationships and strategies for formulating and implementing organizational policy and funding practices;

3. Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements;

4. Develops procedures to recognize potential civil and criminal liabilities;

5. Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs;

6. Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community;

7. Applies strategies for addressing international issues affecting teaching and learning; and

8. Works effectively with policy makers.

D. Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

1. Articulates organizational purpose and priorities to the community and news media;

2. Requests and responds to community feedback;

3. Demonstrates consensus building and conflict mediation;

4. Formulates and implements plans for internal and external communications;

5. Uses communications skills to strengthen community support;

6. Develops support for organizational priorities; and

7. Responds appropriately to the electronic and printed news media.

E. Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

1. Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development;

2. Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;

3. Identifies, frames, and solves problems;

4. Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations;

5. Demonstrates project and time management skills;

6. Establishes procedures to regulate activities and projects;

7. Delegates at appropriate organizational levels;

8. Secures, allocates and manages human and material resources;

9. Utilizes staff evaluation and staff development systems to improve the performance of staff members;

10. Applies adult motivation research to select appropriate models for supervision of the organization;

11. Demonstrates understanding of employee benefits and alternative employee benefits packages;

12. Identifies the potential legal issues affecting school personnel selection, development, supervision, retention, and dismissal;

13. Demonstrates knowledge of student services and programs for which students may be categorically eligible;

14. Evaluates and promotes improved organizational morale;

15. Demonstrates knowledge of social agencies and services available in the community;

16. Promotes a safe and effective learning environment; and

17. Applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession.

F. Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

1. Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design;

2. Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning;

3. Plans curriculum which anticipates occupational trends and their educational implications;

4. Demonstrates understanding of instructional objectives using theories of cognitive development;

5. Demonstrates a knowledge of alignment and sequence of curriculum which promotes student achievement;

6. Demonstrates knowledge of valid and reliable performance indicators and testing procedures to measure student achievement;

7. Demonstrates knowledge of assessment strategies to help students achieve at high levels;

8. Utilizes current technologies which support management and instructional functions;

9. Exhibits knowledge of an instructional management system that includes research findings on learning, motivation, instructional strategies, instructional time, and resources to maximize student achievement;

10. Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles;

11. Implements programs to help students develop as caring and informed citizens; and

12. Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision.

Historical Note

Former Section R7-2-603 repealed, new Section R7-2-603 adopted effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). Amended effective July 21, 1980 (Supp. 80-4). Amended subsection (J) effective August 20, 1981 (Supp. 81-4). Amended subsections (D) and (E) effective April 10, 1984 (Supp. 84-2). Amended subsection (J)(8) and (9) effective October 10, 1984 (Supp. 84-5). Amended subsection (G) effective December 13, 1985. Amended subsection (J)(6), (7), (8) and (9) effective December 18, 1985 (Supp. 85-6). Editorial correction, amendment to subsections (D) and (E) shown effective April 10, 1984 should read Amended subsections (D) and (E) effective October 1, 1985. Amended by adding subsection (G)(9) and (10) effective January 31, 1986 (Supp. 86-1). Amended by adding subsection (R) effective April 24, 1986 (Supp. 86-2). Amended subsection (G), filed May 5, 1986, effective July 1, 1987 (Supp. 86-3). Amended by adding subsection (J)(10) and (11) effective July 2, 1986; amended by adding subsection (J)(12), (13) and (14), filed August 7, 1986, effective July 1, 1987 (Supp. 86-4). Amended subsection (H) effective September 16, 1987 (Supp. 87-3). Correction: subsection (G)(3), 'Provisional' is corrected to read: 'Principal' as certified effective December 3, 1985; amended subsection (B) effective July 13, 1988; amended subsection (J)(2) effective August 10, 1988; amended subsection (R)(2)(b) effective August 15, 1988 (Supp. 88-3). Amended effective August 9, 1989, and amended effective September 12, 1989 (Supp. 89-3). Amended effective December 15, 1989 (Supp. 89-4). Amended effective November 6, 1990; Amended effective December 12, 1990 (Supp. 90-4). Amended effective March 21, 1991 (Supp. 91-1). Amended effective May 2, 1991 (Supp. 91-2). Amended effective October 22, 1991 (Supp. 91-4). Section repealed, new Section adopted effective March 10, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). Amended effective December 19, 1996 (Supp. 96-4). Amended effective March 6, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). Typographical error corrected in subsection (J) (Supp. 97-4). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-604. Professional Preparation Programs

A. The Board shall evaluate and may approve the professional preparation programs of institutions in Arizona which request Board approval.

B. Teacher preparation institutions may include, but are not limited to, universities and colleges, school districts, professional organizations, private businesses, charter schools, and regional training centers. At a minimum, the teacher preparation program shall include training in the standards described in R7-2-602 and a practicum which provides students in the program opportunities to observe and practice the standards under the supervision of certified teachers.

C. The administrative preparation program shall include training in the standards described in R7-2-603 and a practicum which provides students in the program opportunities to observe and practice the standards under the supervision of certified administrators.

D. Those institutions with Board approval shall provide, publicly, a statement of the type of approval the program has and for what period of time.

E. Board-approved programs shall provide their program graduates with an institutional recommendation form for issuance of the appropriate Arizona certification. Institutional recommendations shall be on a form provided by the Department.

F. Conditional approval may be granted for a two-year period based on evaluation of the program. Representatives of the Department or the Board may conduct a site visit as part of the evaluation. The factors to be considered during the evaluation of the program are:

1. The written description of the unit that is primarily responsible for the preparation of teachers and other professional education personnel. The following documentation is required:

a. A listing of all programs designed to lead to certification of education personnel;

b. A program summary that includes the number of students and graduates by program for the prior year and the projected number of students by program for the next year;

c. The unit's statement of mission, purpose, and goals;

d. A listing of all full-time faculty in each program and their qualifications;

e. A description of criteria and policy for employment of part-time and full-time faculty;

f. Number of full-time and part-time faculty in each program; and

g. A listing of any other programs related to education not designed to lead to certification.

2. For the dean, director, or chair who is officially designated to represent the unit and assigned the authority and responsibility for its overall administration and operation, the following documentation is required:

a. A job description; and

b. A chart depicting administrative and organizational structure of the unit.

3. The written policies and procedures for the operations of the unit.

4. The unit's procedures for admission to all programs leading to certification. The following documentation is required:

a. The criteria for admission;

b. A list of basic skills that are assessed and the measures used to assess them;

c. The plan for remediation of basic skills deficiencies in students admitted to the program; and

d. A summary report of assessment results for students admitted for the past three years.

5. The process by which the unit regularly monitors and evaluates its operation, its scope, the quality of its offerings, and effectiveness of its program. The following documentation is required:

a. The policies for conducting ongoing evaluations;

b. A summary of the findings of internal evaluations completed within the past three years;

c. A summary of the findings of external evaluations completed within the past three years, including follow-up studies of graduates; and

d. A summary of program modifications made as a result of internal and external evaluations.

6. The process by which the unit assesses the academic and professional competency of each student upon completion of the program. The following documentation is required:

a. A listing of assessments used to evaluate academic and professional competency of students; and

b. A summary report of competency assessment outcomes for the past three years.

7. The unit's curricula for teacher preparation, based on the professional standards described in R7-2-602 and the academic standards described in R7-2-301 and R7-2-302, and curricula for administrative preparation, based on the professional standards described in R7-2-603. The following documentation is required:

a. A listing of program requirements including the number of credit or clock hours required;

b. The course syllabus and objectives for each course with reference to the specific standards addressed; and

c. A description of the opportunities for observation and practice of the standards.

G. Full program approval may be granted by the Board for a two-year period based on the following conditions:

1. An assurance that the elements documented for conditional approval are substantially unchanged or that a description of all changes has been provided for evaluation. Representatives of the Department or the Board may conduct a site visit as part of the evaluation. The following documentation is required:

a. A description of any changes in the unit's structure, mission statement, purpose, goals, full-time faculty, admissions criteria and policies or procedures since the last Board approval;

b. A summary of the findings of internal evaluations completed within the past two years;

c. A summary of the findings of external evaluations completed within the past two years, which includes follow-up studies of graduates;

d. A summary of recent program modifications made as a result of internal and external evaluations within the last two years; and

e. If any changes to the standards have been adopted since the program's last Board approval, a description of changes to the curriculum.

2. That at least 75% of the program graduates from the prior two years successfully completed the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment on their first attempt.

3. If at least 60%, but less than 75% of the program graduates successfully completed the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment on their first attempt, conditional approval of the program may be extended for one year upon approval by the Board of an improvement plan.

4. When an applicant has attended more than one institution to complete a professional preparation program, performance on the proficiency assessment shall be attributed to the institution where a practicum was successfully completed.

Historical Note

Repealed effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). Adopted as an emergency effective October 1, 1980, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 80-5). Former emergency adoption amended as an emergency effective November 5, 1980, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days. Former emergency adoption effective November 5, 1980 amended and adopted effective December 30, 1980 (Supp. 80-6). Amended effective June 30, 1981 (Supp. 81-3). Amended subsection (G) effective November 16, 1982 (Supp. 82-6). Amended subsection (B) as an emergency effective August 2, 1984 pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 84-4). Emergency expired. Former emergency amendment effective August 2, 1984 now adopted as a permanent amendment without change effective November 5, 1984 (Supp. 84-6). Amended effective August 9, 1989 (Supp. 89-3). Amended effective May 31, 1991 (Supp. 91-2). Amended effective July 10, 1992 (Supp. 92-3). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-605. Duties of the Director of Certification

The Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Superintendent's designee shall be responsible for:

1. The issuance of the appropriate certificates based on the applicant's compliance with the statutes and rules; and

2. The approval of foreign transcript translation and evaluation agencies.

Historical Note

Repealed effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). New Section R7-2-605 adopted effective April 10, 1984 (Supp. 84-2). Editorial correction, new Section R7-2-605 shown adopted effective April 10, 1984 should read new Section R7-2-605 adopted effective October 1, 1985. Amended by adding a new subsection (B) effective December 18, 1985 (Supp. 85-6). Amended by adding subsection (C), filed May 5, 1986, effective July 1, 1987; amended by adding subsection (D) effective June 30, 1986 (Supp. 86-3). Correction to Historical Note dated June 30, 1986, second part should have read: '...amended by adding subsections (D), (E), (F), (G) and (H) effective June 30, 1986'; amended subsection (A) effective August 10, 1988 (Supp. 88-3). Amended effective September 12, 1989 (Supp. 89-3). Amended effective November 6, 1990; Amended effective December 12, 1990 (Supp. 90-4). Amended effective March 10, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-606. Proficiency Assessments

A. The Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment is adopted as the proficiency assessment for applicants for teaching certificates. The Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment is adopted as the proficiency assessment for applicants for administrative certificates.

B. The subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall assess proficiency as described in R7-2-602(H) as a requirement for certification of elementary and secondary teachers and in R7-2-602(H) and R7-2-602(J) as a requirement for certification of special education teachers.

C. The professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall assess proficiency as described in R7-2-602(I) as a requirement for certification of elementary, secondary, special education, and vocational teachers.

D. The performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall assess proficiency as described in R7-2-602(B), R7-2-602(C), R7-2-602(D), R7-2-602(E), R7-2-602(F), and R7-2-602(G) as a requirement for certification of elementary, secondary, and special education teachers. In lieu of a passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, a teacher who holds a provisional teaching certificate may convert such certificate within two months prior to its expiration to a standard elementary, secondary, or special education teaching certificate pursuant to R7-2-606(H) until the Board adopts the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. The Board shall adopt the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, or make a decision that a performance assessment will no longer be required as part of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment no later than June 30, 2005.

E. The Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment shall assess professional knowledge as described in R7-2-603 as a requirement for certification of administrators, supervisors, principals, and superintendents.

F. The passing score for each assessment shall be determined by the Board using the results of validity and reliability studies. The passing score for each assessment shall be reviewed by the Board at least every three years.

G. The proficiency assessments for professional knowledge and subject knowledge shall be administered at least six times each calendar year, at times and places determined by the Department.

H. The provisional elementary, secondary, or special education certificate allows the beginning teacher up to four semesters or two school years of teaching experience before completing the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment.

1. If the Board has adopted the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment but the teacher does not have full-time teaching experience for four semesters or two school years, the certificate shall, upon the written request of the holder, be extended once for the equivalent of the time the teacher was not employed during the provisional certification period.

2. If the Board has adopted the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment and the teacher has been employed for four semesters or two school years and has taken but not passed the performance assessment, the certificate shall be extended once, for one year, upon the written request of the holder.

3. If the teacher has been employed full-time for four semesters or two school years in a private school, public school, charter school, or parochial school in the United States or any Department of Defense dependent school or in a closely related education field and the Board has not yet adopted the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, the provisional certificate shall be converted within two months prior to its expiration to a standard teaching certificate upon verification by the teacher to the Department that he or she has had four semesters or two school years of teaching experience or experience in a closely related education field. 'Closely related education field' means employment involving the presentation of instruction to K-12 students whether self-employed or employed by a private, parochial, public, or charter school.

4. If the teacher has not been employed full-time for four semesters or two school years in a private school, public school, charter school, or parochial school in the United States or any Department of Defense dependent school or in a closely related education field, and the Board has not yet adopted the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, the provisional certificate shall be extended once for two years, upon written request of the holder to the Department. 'Closely related education field' means employment involving the presentation of instruction to K-12 students whether self-employed or employed by a private, parochial, public, or charter school.

5. If the performance assessment portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment is adopted by the Board prior to the expiration of a teacher's provisional certificate, the provisional certificate shall be extended once for two years, upon written request of the holder to the Department, to allow the teacher additional time in which to take the performance portion of the assessment.

I. If the provisionally certified teacher has taken but not passed the performance assessment by the expiration date on the extended certificate pursuant to subsection (H)(1) or (H)(2) of this Section, the individual may reapply for a provisional certificate after one year, upon verification of the following:

1. Efforts to remediate deficiencies identified in the performance assessment;

2. Passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

3. Completion of the requirements for the provisional certificate which are in effect at the time of reapplication.

Historical Note

Repealed effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). New Section adopted effective March 10, 1994 (Supp. 94-1). Amended effective March 6, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Section R7-2-606 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). Emergency Section R7-2-606 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 3739, effective August 5, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-3). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effective November 19, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-4). August 5, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 9 A.A.R. 522, effective January 31, 2003 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 03-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2).

R7-2-607. General Certification Provisions

A. The evaluation to determine qualification for certification shall not begin until an institutional recommendation or application for certification and official transcripts, and the appropriate fees have been received by the Department. Course descriptions, verification of employment, and other documents may also be required for the evaluation.

B. The effective date of a new certificate shall be the date the evaluation is completed by the Department. The effective date of a renewed certificate shall be the date the evaluation for renewal is completed by the Department.

C. All one-year certificates shall expire one year from the date of issuance. All certificates issued for more than one year shall expire on the holder's birth date in the year of expiration.

D. If an applicant has not met all the requirements for the certificate or endorsement at the time of evaluation, the applicant shall have a maximum of two years to complete those requirements and request re-evaluation. One re-evaluation shall be provided at no additional fee within two years of the original evaluation.

E. Only those degrees awarded by an accredited institution shall be considered to satisfy the requirements for certification.

F. Professional preparation programs, courses, practica, and examinations required for certification shall be taken at an accredited institution or a Board-approved teacher preparation program.

G. Only those courses in which the applicant received a passing grade or credit shall be considered to satisfy the requirements for certification.

H. All certificates issued by the Board before the effective date of this Article are considered to have been issued in conformance with these rules.

I. The Board shall issue a comparable Arizona certificate, if one has been established by R7-2-608, R7-2-609, R7-2-610, or R7-2-611, and shall waive the requirements for passing the professional knowledge and performance portions of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, to an applicant who holds current certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

J. Teachers in grades 7 through 12 whose primary assignment is in an academic subject required pursuant to R7-2-302 shall demonstrate proficiency by passing the appropriate subject area portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. The subject areas of demonstrated proficiency shall be specified on the certificate. If a proficiency assessment is not offered in a subject area, an approved area shall consist of a minimum of 24 semester hours of courses in the subject.

K. Teachers of homebound students shall hold the same certificate that is required of a classroom teacher.

L. Class 1 and Class 2 fingerprint clearance cards shall be issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 5, 1977 (Supp. 77-6). Repealed effective December 4, 1978 (Supp. 78-6). New Section adopted effective May 3, 1993 (Supp. 93-2). Amended effective March 6, 1997 (Supp. 97-1). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1).

R7-2-608. Elementary Teaching Certificates

A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. Provisional Elementary Certificate -- grades K-8

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in elementary education from an accredited institution or a Board-approved teacher preparation program, described in R7-2-604; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including at least eight semester hours of practicum in grades K-8. Two years of verified teaching experience in grades Prekindergarten-8 may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid elementary certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the elementary education subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint card.

C. Standard Elementary Certificate -- grades K-8

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional elementary certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

d. Forty-five hours or three semester hours of instruction in research-based systematic phonics. An accredited institution or other provider may provide this instruction.

Historical Note

Adopted effective May 20, 1994 (Supp. 94-2). Section repealed; new Section adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-608 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effective November 19, 2002 (Supp. 02-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2).

R7-2-609. Secondary Teaching Certificates

A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. Provisional Secondary Certificate -- grades 7-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in secondary education from an accredited institution or a Board-approved teacher preparation program, described in R7-2-604; or

ii. Thirty semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including at least eight semester hours of practicum in grades 7-12. Two years of verified teaching experience in grades 7-postsecondary may substitute for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid secondary certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on one or more subject knowledge portions of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

C. Standard Secondary Certificate -- grades 7-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional secondary certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-609 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effective November 19, 2002 (Supp. 02-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2).

R7-2-610. Special Education Teaching Certificates

A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. Terms used in this Section are defined in A.R.S. § 15-761.

C. Provisional Cross-Categorical Special Education Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mild to moderate mental retardation, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments and other health impairments.

3. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in special education from an accredited institution, which included courses in mental retardation, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments and other health impairments; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the standards described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practicum with students representing at least three of the five disability areas. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students; teaching methodologies and strategies for students with disabilities; foundations course in mild to moderate mental retardation, learning disability, emotional disabilities, and physical/health impairment; and diagnosis and assessment of mild disabilities. Two years of verified teaching experience in special education in grades K-12 may substitute for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid cross-categorical special education certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the cross-categorical special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

D. Standard Cross-Categorical Special Education Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mild to moderate mental retardation, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments and other health impairments.

3. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional cross-categorical Special Education certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

E. Provisional Specialized Special Education Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mental retardation, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments or other health impairments, as specified on the certificate.

3. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in the specified area of special education from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practicum in the designated area of disability. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students; teaching methodologies for students with disabilities; foundations of instruction in the designated area of disability; and diagnosis and assessment of disabilities. Two years of verified teaching experience in the area of disability in grades K-12 may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid special education certificate in the specified area from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the specified disability special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

F. Standard Specialized Special Education Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The holder is qualified to teach students with mental retardation, emotional disability, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairments or other health impairments, as specified on the certificate.

3. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional Special Education certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

G. Provisional Severely and Profoundly Disabled Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in severely and profoundly disabled education from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses and eight semester hours of practicum. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students, teaching methodologies for students with severe and profound disabilities, foundations of instruction of students with severe and profound disabilities, and diagnostic and assessment procedures for students with severe and profound disabilities. Two years of verified teaching experience with students in grades Prekindergarten-12 who are severely and profoundly disabled may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid Severely and Profoundly Disabled certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the severely and profoundly disabled special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint card.

H. Standard Severely and Profoundly Disabled Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional severely and profoundly disabled certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

I. Provisional Hearing Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in hearing impaired education from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses for the hearing impaired and eight semester hours of practicum. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students, teaching methodologies for students with hearing impairment, foundations of instruction of students with hearing impairment, and diagnostic and assessment procedures for the hearing impaired. Two years of verified teaching experience in the area of hearing impaired in grades Prekindergarten-12 may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid hearing impaired certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the hearing impaired special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

J. Standard Hearing Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional hearing impaired certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

K. Provisional Visually Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in visual impairment from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 21 semester hours of special education courses for the visually impaired and eight semester hours of practicum. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students, teaching methodologies for students with visual impairment, foundations of instruction of students with visual impairment, and diagnostic and assessment procedures for the visually impaired. Two years of verified teaching experience in the area of visually impaired in grades Prekindergarten-12 may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid visually impaired special education certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the visually impaired special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. Demonstration of competency in Braille through one of the following:

i. A passing score on the original version of the National Library of Congress certification exam; or

ii. A valid certificate for a literary Braille transcriber issued by the National Library of Congress; or

iii. A passing score on a Braille exam administered by another state; or

iv. A passing score on the Braille exam developed and administered by the University of Arizona. Individuals who take this test and are not students at the University of Arizona may be assessed a fee.

f. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

L. Standard Visually Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualifications for the provisional visually impaired certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

M. Provisional Speech and Language Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. This certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in speech and language special education from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602, including 30 semester hours of special education courses for the speech impaired. Special education courses shall include survey of exceptional students, teaching methodologies for students with speech impairment, foundations of instruction of students with speech impairment, diagnostic and assessment procedures for the speech impaired, and a minimum of 200-clock hours of supervised clinical practice in providing speech and language impairment services. All clinical practice clock hours shall be supervised by an American Speech and Language Association-certified pathologist or by a state-certified speech and language therapist; or

iii. A valid Speech and Language Impaired special education certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the speech and language impaired special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

N. Standard Speech and Language Impaired Certificate -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the provisional speech and language impaired certificate;

b. A passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

O. Provisional Early Childhood Special Education Certificate -- Birth to five years.

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable but may be extended as set forth in R7-2-606(H) or (I).

2. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in early childhood special education from an accredited institution; or

ii. Forty-five semester hours of education courses which teach the standards described in R7-2-602, including child development and learning, language development, social and emotional development, curriculum development and implementation, and assessment and evaluation, early childhood special education, and eight semester hours of practicum in early childhood special education. Two years of verified teaching experience in the area of early childhood special education may be substituted for the eight semester hours of practicum; or

iii. A valid early childhood special education certificate from another state.

c. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment;

d. A passing score on the early childhood special education portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

e. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

P. Standard Early Childhood Special Education Certificate -- Birth to five years.

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. Requirements are:

a. Qualify for the provisional early childhood Special Education certificate;

b. Passing score on the performance portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-610 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effective November 19, 2002 (Supp. 02-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2). Amended by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 2399, effective July 23, 2004 (Supp. 04-2).

R7-2-611. Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificates

A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. A provisional career and technical education certificate shall be renewed once for two years upon completion of nine semester hours of courses required for the standard career and technical education certificate in the same career and technical education area. Courses should be completed since the most recent issuance of the provisional certificate.

C. For purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:

1. 'Agriculture' means agriculture, agriculture operations, and related sciences; natural resources and conservation; environmental design; landscape architecture; agricultural biological engineering and bioengineering; forest engineering, biological and biomedical sciences; parks, recreation and leisure studies; geological and earth sciences/geosciences; veterinary/animal health technology/technician and veterinary assistant; environmental health; veterinary medicine; veterinary biomedical and clinical sciences; and veterinary residency programs as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 01, 03, 04.04, 04.06, 14.03, 14.34, 26, 31.0101, 40.06, 51.0808, 51.2202, 51.24, 51.25, 60.03, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.

2. 'Business and Marketing' means computer and information sciences and support services; computer engineering technologies/technicians; apparel and textile marketing management; accounting and computer science; business/commerce, general; business administration, management and operations; accounting and related services; business operations support and assistant services; business/corporate communications; business/managerial economics; entrepreneurial and small business operations; finance and financial management services; hospitality administration/management; human resources management and services; international business; management information systems and services; management sciences and quantitative methods; marketing; real estate; taxation; insurance; general sales, merchandising and related marketing operations; specialized sales, merchandising and marketing operations; and business, management, marketing and related support services, other as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 11, 15.12, 19.0905, 30.16, 52.01-52.19 and 52.99, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.

3. 'Family and Consumer Sciences' means culinary arts and related services; kindergarten/preschool education and teaching; early childhood education and teaching; family and consumer sciences/human sciences; nutrition sciences; interior design; hospitality administration/management; fashion merchandising; fashion modeling; apparel and accessories marketing operations; tourism and travel services marketing operations; tourism promotion operations; and hospitality and recreation marketing operations as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 12.05, 13.1209, 13.1210, 19, 30.19, 50.0408, 52.09, 52.1902-52.1906, and 52.1910, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.

4. 'Health Careers' means exercise physiology; kinesiology and exercise science; medical/clinical assistant; clinical/medical laboratory assistant; pharmacy technician/assistant; medical radiologic technology/science-radiation therapist; radiologic technology/science-radiographer; physician assistant; athletic training/trainer; clinical/medical laboratory technician; clinical laboratory science/medical technology/technologist; phlebotomy/phlebotomist; medicine; nursing/registered nurse; osteopathic medicine/osteopathy; pharmacy; physical therapy/therapist; and kinesiotherapy/kinesiotherapist as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 26.0908, 31.0505, 51.0801, 51.0802, 51.0805, 51.0907, 51.0911, 51.0912, 51.0913, 51.1004, 51.1005, 51.1009, 51.12, 51.1601, 51.19, 51.2001, 51.2308 and 51.2311 which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.

5. 'Industrial Technology' means audiovisual communications technologies/technicians; graphic communications; cosmetology and related personal grooming services; electrical engineering technologies/technicians; electromechanical instrumentation and maintenance technologies/technicians; environmental control technologies/technicians; industrial production technologies/technicians; quality control and safety technologies/technicians; mechanical engineering related technologies/technicians; mining and petroleum technologies/technicians; construction engineering technologies; engineering-related technologies; computer engineering technologies/technicians; drafting/design engineering technologies/technicians; security and protective services; mason/masonry; carpenters; electrical and power transmission installers; building/construction finishing, management and inspection; electrical/electronics maintenance and repair technology; heating, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration maintenance technology/technician; heavy/industrial equipment maintenance technologies; precision systems maintenance and repair technologies; vehicle maintenance and repair technologies; precision metal working; construction/heavy equipment/earthmoving equipment operation; design and visual communications, general; commercial and advertising art; industrial design; and commercial photography as described in Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition: (NCES 2002-165) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 2002, CIP Codes 10.02-10.03, 12.04, 15.03-15.13, 43, 46.01-46.04, 47.01-47.06, 48.05, 49.0202, and 50.0401-50.0406, which is incorporated by reference and on file with the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Secretary of State. This incorporation by reference contains no future editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated materials are available for review at the Arizona Department of Education located at 1535 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or may be ordered from the U.S. Department of Education, ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398.

6. 'Occupations' means employment in any of the areas identified in R7-2-611(C)(1) through (5) relating to Agriculture, Business and Marketing, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Careers, or Industrial Technology.

7. 'Professional Knowledge' means the art of teaching including the knowledge and skills necessary for instructional planning, delivery and evaluation in a career and technical education setting.

8. 'Subject Knowledge' means the information, understanding and skills specific to the broad course of study.

9. 'Verified Experience' means written documentation from a current or former employer, a current school superintendent, the Department of Education Career and Technical Education Programmatic State Supervisor, or self employment tax forms that indicate that an applicant for a career and technical education certificate performed work in a business or industry setting related to the program to be taught as identified in R7-2-611(C)(1) through (5).

D. Provisional Career and Technical Education Certificate - Agriculture -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) A Bachelor's degree;

(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in agriculture with at least five semester hours of courses in three of the following areas: animal science; plant science including soils; agricultural engineering or mechanics; economics or agricultural economics; or agricultural or natural resources; and

(3) Two-hundred-forty clock hours of verified experience in agriculture occupations.

ii. Option B:

(1) A valid Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;

(2) One year of the most recent teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical agricultural education methods; and

(4) Four-hundred-eighty clock hours of verified experience in agriculture occupations.

iii. Option C:

Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in agriculture occupations.

iv. Option D:

A valid teaching certificate in career and technical agriculture education from another state.

3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the renewal of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture or the issuance of the standard career and technical education certificate - Agriculture. A person holding this certificate pursuant to Option D shall not be required to take the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers if the person has passed a component on a proficiency assessment that has been adopted by a state board of education or equivalent agency in another state and that the Board in this state has determined to be equivalent to the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers.

E. Standard Career and Technical Education Certificate - Agriculture -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) Qualification under Option A for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture; and

(2) Twenty-one semester hours of courses, to include the following areas: methods of teaching agriculture, curriculum and materials of instruction, career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety, operation of a career and technical student organization, experiential education, and practicum in agriculture in grades K-12. Two years of experience teaching agriculture in grades K-12 may substitute for the practicum.

ii. Option B:

(1) Qualification under Option B for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses to include:

(a) Nine semester hours of courses in agriculture subject knowledge;

(b) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical classroom management including laboratory safety; and

(c) Three semester hours of courses in the operation of a career and technical student organization.

iii. Option C:

(1) Qualification under Option C for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching agriculture, curriculum design/development, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, instructional technology, educational philosophy, or career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety; and

(4) Nine semester hours of courses in agriculture subject knowledge.

iv. Option D:

(1) Qualification under Option D for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture; and

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Agriculture exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.

F. Provisional Career and Technical Education Certificate - Business and Marketing -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) A Bachelor's or more advanced degree in business, business education, marketing or marketing education; and

(2) Two-hundred-forty clock hours of verified experience in business/marketing occupations or a practicum in the areas of business/marketing occupations.

ii. Option B:

(1) A valid Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;

(2) One year of the most recent teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical business or marketing education methods; and

(4) Four-hundred-eighty clock hours of verified experience in business/marketing occupations.

iii. Option C:

Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in business/marketing occupations.

iv. Option D:

A valid teaching certificate in business education, marketing education, career and technical business education or career and technical marketing education from another state.

3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the renewal of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing or the issuance of the standard career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing. A person holding this certificate pursuant to Option D shall not be required to take the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers if the person has passed a component on a proficiency assessment that has been adopted by a state board of education or equivalent agency in another state and that the Board in this state has determined to be equivalent to the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers.

G. Standard Career and Technical Education Certificate - Business and Marketing -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) Qualification under Option A for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing; and

(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching business or marketing, curriculum design/development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management.

ii. Option B:

(1) Qualification under Option B for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and

(3) Twelve semester hours to include:

(a) Nine semester hours of courses in business or marketing subject knowledge; and

(b) Three semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching business or marketing, curriculum design/development, instructional technology, classroom management, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, or assessment/evaluation.

iii. Option C:

(1) Qualification under Option C for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching business or marketing, curriculum design/development, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, instructional technology, educational philosophy or career and technical education classroom management; and

(4) Nine semester hours of courses in business or marketing subject knowledge.

iv. Option D:

(1) Qualification under Option D for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing; and

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Business and Marketing exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.

H. Provisional Career and Technical Education Certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) A Bachelor's degree;

(2) Thirty semester hours of courses in family and consumer sciences that includes instruction in each of the following: human development; family or human relations; clothing, textiles or fashion merchandising; nutrition or food preparation; facility management, housing or interior design; consumer economics, family resources, personal finance or family financial management; food production or culinary arts; and child development; and

(3) Two-hundred-forty clock hours of verified experience in family and consumer sciences occupations.

ii. Option B:

(1) A valid Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;

(2) One year of the most recent teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical occupational family and consumer sciences education methods; and

(4) Four-hundred-eighty clock hours of verified experience in family and consumer sciences occupations.

iii. Option C:

Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in family and consumer sciences occupations.

iv. Option D:

A valid teaching certificate in career and technical family and consumer sciences education from another state.

3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the renewal of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences or the issuance of the standard career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences. A person holding this certificate pursuant to Option D shall not be required to take the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers if the person has passed a component on a proficiency assessment that has been adopted by a state board of education or equivalent agency in another state and that the Board in this state has determined to be equivalent to the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers.

I. Standard Career and Technical Education Certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) Qualification under Option A for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences; and

(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching occupational family and consumer sciences, curriculum design/development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation or classroom management including laboratory safety.

ii. Option B:

(1) Qualification under Option B for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and

(3) Twelve semester hours of courses to include:

(a) Nine semester hours of courses in family and consumer sciences subject knowledge; and

(b) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety.

iii. Option C:

(1) Qualification under Option C for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching occupational family and consumer sciences, curriculum design/development, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, instructional technology, educational philosophy or career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety; and

(4) Nine semester hours of courses in family and consumer sciences subject knowledge.

iv. Option D:

(1) Qualification under Option D for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences; and

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Family and Consumer Sciences exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.

J. Provisional Career and Technical Education Certificate - Health Careers -- grades K-12.

1. The certificate is valid for two years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) A Bachelor's or more advanced degree in a biological science, health science, physical science, or nursing; and

(2) Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in health careers occupations.

ii. Option B:

(1) A valid Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;

(2) One year of the most recent teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods; and

(4) Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in health careers occupations.

iii. Option C:

Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in health careers occupations.

iv. Option D:

A valid teaching certificate in career and technical health careers education from another state.

3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the renewal of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers or the issuance of the standard career and technical education certificate - Health Careers. A person holding this certificate pursuant to Option D shall not be required to take the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers if the person has passed a component on a proficiency assessment that has been adopted by a board of education or equivalent agency in another state and that the state Board in this state has determined to be equivalent to the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers.

K. Standard Career and Technical Education Certificate - Health Careers -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) Qualification under Option A for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers; and

(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and technical education, curriculum design/development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation or classroom management including laboratory safety.

ii. Option B:

(1) Qualification under Option B for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designed, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and

(3) Twelve semester hours of courses to include:

(a) Nine semester hours of courses in health careers subject knowledge; and

(b) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety.

iii. Option C:

(1) Qualification under Option C for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and technical education, curriculum design/development, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, instructional technology, educational philosophy or career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety; and

(4) Nine semester hours of courses in health careers subject knowledge.

iv. Option D:

(1) Qualification under Option D for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers; and

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Health Careers exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.

L. Provisional Career and Technical Education Certificate - Industrial Technology -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) A Bachelor's or more advanced degree in Industrial Arts or Industrial Technology Education; and

(2) Two-hundred-forty clock hours of verified experience in industrial technology occupations.

ii. Option B:

(1) A valid Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate issued pursuant to this Article;

(2) One year of the most recent teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the Arizona standard secondary teaching certificate exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education methods; and

(4) Four-hundred-eighty clock hours of verified experience in industrial technology occupations.

iii. Option C:

Six thousand clock hours of verified experience in industrial technology occupations.

iv. Option D:

A valid teaching certificate in career and technical industrial arts education or career and technical industrial technology education from another state.

3. The holder of this certificate shall receive a passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers before the renewal of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology or the issuance of the standard career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology. A person holding this certificate pursuant to Option D shall not be required to take the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers if the person has passed a component on a proficiency assessment that has been adopted by a state board of education or equivalent agency in another state and that the Board in this state has determined to be equivalent to the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment for secondary teachers.

M. Standard Career and Technical Education Certificate - Industrial Technology -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

b. One of the following options:

i. Option A:

(1) Qualification under Option A for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology; and

(2) Eighteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and technical education, curriculum design/development, instructional technology, educational philosophy, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, or classroom management including laboratory safety.

ii. Option B:

(1) Qualification under Option B for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom; and

(3) Twelve semester hours of courses to include:

(a) Nine semester hours of courses in industrial technology subject knowledge; and

(b) Three semester hours of courses in career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety.

iii. Option C:

(1) Qualification under Option C for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology;

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom;

(3) Fifteen semester hours of courses in professional knowledge to include any of the following areas: principles/philosophy of career and technical education, operation of a career and technical student organization, methods of teaching career and technical education, curriculum design/development, instructional design/methodology, assessment/evaluation, instructional technology, educational philosophy or career and technical education classroom management including laboratory safety; and

(4) Nine semester hours of courses in industrial technology subject knowledge.

iv. Option D:

(1) Qualification under Option D for the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology; and

(2) Two years of teacher evaluation(s) approved by a certificated administrator, or the administrator's designee, in a secondary school setting and issued during the term of the provisional career and technical education certificate - Industrial Technology exhibiting satisfactory performance in the classroom.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5139, effective November 19, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-4). Emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026(D) at 9 A.A.R. 1547, effective April 29, 2003 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 03-2). Emergency rulemaking repealed under A.R.S. § 41-1026(E) and permanent R7-2-611 amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 3950, effective October 21, 2003 (Supp. 03-3).

R7-2-612. Other Teaching Certificates

A. Except as noted, all certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607.

B. Substitute Certificate -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years and renewable by reapplication.

2. The certificate entitles the holder to substitute in the temporary absence of a regular contract teacher. A person holding only a substitute certificate shall not be assigned a contract teaching position.

3. An individual who holds a valid teaching or administrator certificate shall not be required to hold a substitute certificate to be employed as a substitute teacher.

4. A person holding only a substitute certificate shall be limited to teaching 120 days in the same school each school year.

5. The requirement for issuance is a Bachelor's degree and a valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

6. Substitute certificates previously issued as valid for life under this rule shall remain valid for life.

C. Emergency Substitute Certificate -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for one school year or part thereof. The expiration date shall be the following July 1.

2. The certificate entitles the holder to substitute only in the district that verifies that an emergency employment situation exists.

3. The certificate entitles the holder to substitute in the temporary absence of a regular contract teacher. A person holding only an emergency substitute certificate shall not be assigned a contract teaching position.

4. The holder of an emergency substitute certificate shall be limited to 120 days of substitute teaching per school year.

5. The requirements for initial issuance are:

a. High school diploma;

b. Verification from the school district superintendent that an emergency employment situation exists; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

6. The requirements for each reissuance are:

a. Two semester hours of academic courses completed since the last issuance of the Emergency Substitute Certificate. District in-service programs designed for professional development may substitute for academic courses. Fifteen clock hours of in-service is equivalent to one semester hour. In-service hours shall be verified by the district superintendent or personnel director. Individuals who have earned 30 or more semester hours are exempt from this requirement;

b. Verification from the school district superintendent that an emergency employment situation exists; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

D. Emergency Teaching Certificate -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid one school year or part thereof. The expiration date shall be the following July 1.

2. The certificate entitles the holder to enter into a teaching contract.

3. Emergency teaching certificates shall be issued only for elementary and secondary certificates required by A.R.S. § 15-502(B), special education certificates, and required endorsements.

4. The certificate entitles the holder to teach only in the district that verifies that an emergency employment situation exists.

5. The requirements for initial issuance are:

a. A Bachelor's degree;

b. Verification from the school district superintendent that an emergency employment situation exists; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

6. The requirements for reissuance are:

a. Verification from the school district superintendent that an emergency employment situation exists;

b. Six semester hours of courses toward meeting the requirements for the specified certificate or endorsement, completed since the last issuance of the emergency teaching certificate; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

E. Teaching Intern Certificate -- grades K-12

1. The certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable.

2. The intern certificate entitles the holder to perform intern or paraprofessional duties in whatever grades or levels are assigned.

3. The requirements are:

a. Current enrollment in a teacher preparation program;

b. A recommendation from the dean of a college of education or the administrator of a Board-approved teacher preparation program; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

4. The holder shall be under the direct supervision of college and certified school personnel.

F. Adult Education Certificates

1. The adult education certificates are issued for individuals teaching in the areas of Adult Basic Education, General Educational Development, English as a Second Language, or Citizenship.

2. Provisional Adult Education Certificate.

a. The certificate is valid for three years and is not renewable.

b. The requirement for issuance is a valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card and a Bachelor's degree or three years of experience as a teacher, tutor, or aide in an adult education program or in grades K-12. Up to two years of experience may be waived by postsecondary academic credit, with 30 semester hours equivalent to one year of experience.

3. Standard Adult Education Certificate.

a. The certificate is valid for six years.

b. The requirements are:

i. One year of part-time or full-time teaching experience under a provisional adult education certificate, verified by an adult education program administrator;

ii. Completion of 10-clock hours in a professional development program described in R7-2-617(B) since the issuance of the provisional adult education certificate; and

iii. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

c. The renewal requirements are completion of 60- clock hours in a professional development program, described in R7-2-617(B).

G. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Teaching Certificate
-- grades 9-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years and is renewable upon application.

2. The certificate is valid at any local education agency which conducts an approved Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program of the Air Force, Army, Navy, or Marine Corps.

3. The requirements are:

a. Verification by the district of an approved Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program of instruction in which the applicant will be teaching;

b. Verification by the district that the applicant meets the work experience required by the respective military service; and

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

H. Athletic coaching certificate -- grades 7-12

1. The certificate is valid for six years.

2. The certificate entitles the holder to perform coaching duties in interscholastic and extracurricular athletic activities. It is not required for teachers who hold a valid elementary, secondary or special education certificate.

3. The requirements are:

a. Valid certification in first aid and Coronary and Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR);

b. Completion of 15 semester hours of courses which shall include at least three semester hours in courses related to each of the following: methods of coaching; anatomy and physiology; sports psychology; adolescent psychology; and the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries;

c. 250 hours of verified coaching experience in the sport to be coached. Coaching experience may include experience as a head coach or assistant coach in a school program or in an organized athletic league; and

d. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

4. Renewal requirements are:

a. Completion of 60-clock hours in a professional development program described in R7-2-617(B);

b. Valid certification in first aid and CPR.

I. Provisional Early Childhood Education Certificate - birth through age eight

1. By July 1, 2009, either a provisional or a standard early childhood education certificate shall be required for individuals teaching in public school early childhood education programs, except as provided in R7-2-610 or in R7-2-613(L). For individuals teaching in grades 1 - 3, this certificate is optional, but recommended.

2. For the purposes of this rule, public school early childhood education programs are defined as education programs provided by local education agencies, including their sub-grantees and contracted providers, for children birth through age 8 for the purpose of providing academically and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that are standards-based with defined curriculum and comprehensive in content to include all appropriate developmental and academic areas as defined by the Arizona Early Childhood Education Standards or the Arizona K-12 Academic Standards approved by the Board. The Arizona Early Childhood Education Standards: Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007, were adopted by the State Board of Education in June 2003 and the Arizona K-12 Academic Standards: Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007, were adopted by the State Board of Education as follows: Arts, April 1997; Comprehensive Health/PE, April 1997; Foreign and Native Language, April 1997; Mathematics, March 2003; Reading, March 2003; Science, May 2004; Social Studies, March 2000; Technology, September 2000; Workplace Skills, March 1997; and Writing, June 2004, are incorporated by reference and are on file with the Arizona Department of Education. This incorporation by reference contains no further editions or amendments. Copies of the incorporated material are available for review at Arizona Department of Education, 1535 West Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85007 or on the Arizona Department of Education web site at Public school early childhood education programs include, but are not limited to, half day and full day kindergarten programs, Early Childhood Block Grant programs pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-1251, Family Literacy Programs for preschool children pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-191.01, and public school-administered early childhood education programs funded in whole or part with federal funds, such as the Head Start or Even Start programs, provided nothing in these rules conflicts with the terms of the federal grant. Extended day child care programs provided by local educational agencies are not considered early childhood education programs for purposes of this rule unless the program meets the definition of a public school early childhood education program set forth above.

3. This certificate is valid for two years and is not renewable.

4. The requirements are:

a. A Bachelor's degree; and

b. One of the following:

i. Completion of a teacher preparation program in early childhood education from an accredited institution or a teacher preparation program approved by the Board; or

ii. Early childhood education coursework and practicum experience which teaches the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-602 and includes both of the following:

(1) 37 semester hours of early childhood education courses to include all of the following areas of study:

(a) foundations of early childhood education;

(b) child guidance and classroom management;

(c) characteristics and quality practices for typical and atypical behaviors of young children;

(d) child growth and development, including health, safety and nutrition;

(e) child, family, cultural and community relationships;

(f) developmentally appropriate instructional methodologies for teaching language, math, science, social studies and the arts;

(g) early language and literacy development;

(h) assessing, monitoring and reporting progress of young children; and

(2) A minimum of 8 semester hours of practicum, including:

(a) A minimum of 4 semester hours in supervised field experience, practicum, internship or student teaching setting serving children birth - preschool. One year of full-time verified teaching experience with children in birth - preschool may substitute for this student teaching experience. This verification may come from a school- based education program or center-based program licensed by the Department of Health Services or regulated by tribal or military authorities; and

(b) A minimum of 4 semester hours in a supervised student teaching setting serving children in kindergarten - grade 3. One year of full-time verified teaching experience with children in kindergarten - grade 3 in an accredited school may substitute for this student teaching experience; or

iii. A valid early childhood education certificate from another state.

c. A valid Fingerprint Clearance Card issued by Arizona DPS; and

d. A passing score on the professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment once that portion of the AEPA is adopted by the Board; and

e. A passing score on the early childhood subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment once that portion of the AEPA is adopted by the Board.

J. Standard Early Childhood Education Certificate - birth through age eight

1. By July 1, 2009, either a provisional or a standard early childhood education certificate shall be required for individuals teaching in public school early childhood education programs, except as provided in R7-2-610 or in R7-2-613(L). For individuals teaching in grades 1 - 3, this certificate is optional, but recommended.

2. This certificate is valid for six years.

3. The requirements are:

a. Qualification for the Provisional Early Childhood Education Certificate, except as provided in R7-2-612(J)(4); and

b. Two years of verified teaching experience with children birth through age eight or grade three in a school-based education program or center-based program licensed by the Department of Health Services or regulated by tribal or military authorities.

4. An individual may also qualify for a standard Early Childhood Education Certificate if the individual:

a. Holds current National Board Certification in Early Childhood; and

b. Holds a valid fingerprint Clearance Card issued by DPS.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-612 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 2562, effective May 23, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-2). May 23, 2002 emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5132, effective November 19, 2002 (Supp. 02-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2). Amended by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 1885, effective June 26, 2005 (Supp. 05-2).

R7-2-613. Endorsements

A. An endorsement shall be automatically renewed with the certificate on which it is posted.

B. Except as noted, all endorsements are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607.

C. Endorsements which are optional as specified herein may be required by local governing boards.

D. Special subject endorsements -- grades K-12.

1. Special subject endorsements shall be issued in the area of art, computer science, dance, dramatic arts, music, or physical education.

2. Special subject endorsements are optional.

3. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education certificate;

b. One course in the methods of teaching the subject at the elementary level;

c. One course in the methods of teaching the subject at the secondary level; and

d. One of the following:

i. Thirty semester hours of courses in the subject area; or

ii. A passing score on the subject area portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment, if an assessment has been adopted by the Board.

E. Mathematics Specialist Endorsement -- grades K-8

1. The mathematics specialist endorsement is optional.

2. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary or special education certificate;

b. Three semester hours of courses in the methods of teaching elementary school mathematics; and

c. Fifteen semester hours of courses in mathematics education for teachers of elementary or middle school mathematics.

F. Reading Specialist Endorsement -- grades K-12

1. The reading specialist endorsement shall be required of an individual in the position of reading specialist, reading consultant, remedial reading teacher, special reading teacher, or in a similar position.

2. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education certificate; and

b. Fifteen semester hours of courses to include decoding, diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties, and practicum in reading.

G. Elementary Foreign Language Endorsement -- grades K-8

1. The elementary foreign language endorsement is optional.

2. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary or special education certificate.

b. Proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing a language other than English, verified by the appropriate language department of an accredited institution. American Indian language proficiency shall be verified by an official designated by the appropriate tribe.

c. Three semester hours of courses in the methods of teaching a foreign language at the elementary level.

H. Bilingual Endorsements -- grades K-12

1. A provisional bilingual endorsement or a bilingual endorsement is required of an individual who is a bilingual classroom teacher, bilingual resource teacher, bilingual specialist, or otherwise responsible for providing bilingual instruction.

2. The provisional bilingual endorsement is valid for three years and is not renewable. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education, or vocational certificate; and

b. Proficiency in a language other than English or sign language.

3. The holder of the bilingual endorsement is also authorized to teach English as a Second Language.

4. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, special education, or vocational certificate;

b. Completion of a bilingual education program from an accredited institution or the following courses:

i. Three semester hours of foundations of instruction for non-English-language-background students;

ii. Three semester hours of bilingual methods;

iii. Three semester hours of English as a Second Language for bilingual settings;

iv. Three semester hours of courses in bilingual materials and curriculum; assessment of limited-English-proficient students; teaching reading and writing in the native language; or English as a Second Language for bilingual settings;

v. Three semester hours of linguistics to include psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, first language acquisition, and second language acquisition for language minority students; or American Indian language linguistics;

vi. Three semester hours of courses dealing with school, community, and family culture and parental involvement in programs of instruction for non-English-language-background students; and

vii. Three semester hours of courses in methods of teaching and evaluating handicapped children from non-English-language backgrounds. These hours are only required for bilingual endorsements on special education certificates.

c. A valid bilingual certificate or endorsement from another state may be substituted for the courses described in subsection (H)(4)(b);

d. Practicum in a bilingual program or two years of verified bilingual teaching experience; and

e. Proficiency in a spoken language other than English, verified by the language department of an accredited institution except in the case of Spanish and American Indian languages. Spanish language proficiency shall be demonstrated by passing the Arizona Classroom Spanish Proficiency Examination approved by the Board. American Indian language proficiency shall be verified by an official designated by the appropriate tribe.

I. English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsements -- grades K-12

1. An ESL or bilingual endorsement is required of an individual who is an ESL classroom teacher, ESL specialist, ESL resource teacher, or otherwise responsible for providing ESL instruction.

2. The provisional ESL endorsement is valid for three years and is not renewable. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education, or vocational certificate; and

b. Six semester hours of courses specified in subsection (I)(3)(b), including at least one course in methods of teaching ESL students.

3. The requirements for the ESL endorsement are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, special education, or vocational certificate;

b. Completion of an ESL education program from an accredited institution or the following courses:

i. Three semester hours of courses in foundations of instruction for non-English-language-background students. Three semester hours of courses in the nature and grammar of the English language, taken before January 1, 1999, may be substituted for this requirement;

ii. Three semester hours of ESL methods;

iii. Three semester hours of teaching of reading and writing to limited-English-proficient students;

iv. Three semester hours of assessment of limited-English-proficient students;

v. Three semester hours of linguistics; and

vi. Three semester hours of courses dealing with school, community, and family culture and parental involvement in programs of instruction for non-English-language-background students.

c. Three semester hours of a practicum or two years of verified ESL or bilingual teaching experience, verified by the district superintendent;

d. Second language learning experience, which may include sign language. Second language learning experience may be documented by any of the following:

i. Six semester hours of courses in a single second language, or the equivalent, verified by the department of language, education, or English at an accredited institution;

ii. Completion of intensive language training by the Peace Corps, the Foreign Service Institute, or the Defense Language Institute;

iii. Placement by the language department of an accredited institution in a third-semester level;

iv. Placement at level 1-intermediate/low or more advanced score on the Oral Proficiency Interview, verified by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages;

v. Passing score on the Arizona Classroom Spanish Proficiency Examination approved by the Board; or

vi. Proficiency in an American Indian language, verified by an official designated by the appropriate tribe.

e. A valid ESL certificate or endorsement from another state may be substituted for the requirements described in subsection (I)(3)(b), (c), and (d).

J. Structured English Immersion (SEI) Endorsements -- grades K-12

1. From and after August 31, 2006, an SEI, ESL or bilingual endorsement is required of all classroom teachers, supervisors, principals and superintendents. For purposes of this rule, 'supervisor,' 'principal' and 'superintendent' means an individual who holds a supervisor, principal or superintendent certificate.

2. The provisional SEI endorsement is valid for three years and is not renewable. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, special education, career and technical education, supervisor, principal or superintendent certificate; and

b. For teachers, supervisors, principals and superintendents certified on or after August 31, 2006, three semester hours of courses in Structured English Immersion methods of teaching English Language Learner (ELL) students, including but not limited to instruction in SEI strategies, teaching with the ELL Proficiency Standards adopted by the Board and monitoring ELL student academic progress using a variety of assessment tools; or

c. For teachers, supervisors, principals and superintendents certified before August 31, 2006, one semester hour or 15 clock hours of professional development in Structured English Immersion methods of teaching ELL students, including but not limited to instruction in SEI strategies, teaching with the ELL Proficiency Standards adopted by the Board and monitoring ELL student academic progress using a variety of assessment tools through a training program that meets the requirements of A.R.S. § 15-756(A)(5).

3. The requirements for the SEI endorsement are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, special education, career and technical education, supervisor, principal, or superintendent certificate, and;

b. Qualification for the provisional SEI endorsement, and either:

i. Three semester hours of courses related to the teaching of the English Language Learner Proficiency Standards adopted by the State Board of Education, including but not limited to instruction in SEI strategies, teaching with the ELL Proficiency Standards adopted by the Board and monitoring ELL student academic progress using a variety of assessment tools; or

ii. Completion of 45 clock hours of professional development in the teaching of the English Language Learner Proficiency Standards adopted by the State Board of Education, including but not limited to instruction in SEI strategies, teaching with the ELL Proficiency Standards adopted by the Board and monitoring ELL student academic progress using a variety of assessment tools through a training program that meets the requirements of A.R.S. § 15-756(A)(5).

4. Nothing in this rule prevents school districts from requiring certified staff to obtain an ESL or bilingual endorsement as a condition of employment.

K. Gifted Endorsements -- grades K-12

1. A gifted endorsement is required of individuals whose primary responsibility is teaching gifted students.

2. The provisional gifted endorsement is valid for three years and is not renewable. The requirements are an Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education certificate and one of the following:

a. Two years of verified teaching experience in which most students were gifted;

b. Ninety clock hours of verified in-service training in gifted education; or

c. Six semester hours of courses in gifted education.

3. Requirements for the gifted endorsement are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education certificate;

b. Completion of 9 semester hours of upper division or graduate level courses in an academic discipline such as science, mathematics, language arts, foreign language, social studies, psychology, fine arts, or computer science; and

c. Two of the following:

i. Three years of verified teaching experience in gifted education as a teacher, resource teacher, specialist, or similar position, verified by the district; or

ii. A minimum of 135-clock hours of verified in-service training in gifted education; or

iii. Completion of 12 semester hours of courses in gifted education. District in-service programs in gifted education may be substituted for up to six semester hours of gifted education courses. Fifteen clock hours of in-service is equivalent to one semester hour. In-service hours shall be verified by the district superintendent or personnel director. Practicum courses shall not be accepted toward this requirement; or

iv. Completion of six semester hours of practicum or two years of verified teaching experience in which most students were gifted.

L. Early Childhood Education Endorsement - birth through age eight

1. An early childhood endorsement is optional, but recommended for individuals teaching in public school early childhood education programs who are not otherwise certified in early childhood education. When combined with an Arizona elementary education teaching certificate or an Arizona special education teaching certificate, it may be used in lieu of a standard early childhood education certificate as described in R7-2-612(I).

2. An endorsement shall be automatically renewed with the certificate on which it is posted.

3. The requirements are:

a. A valid Arizona elementary education teaching certificate as provided in R7-2-608 or a valid Arizona special education teaching certificate as provided in R7-2-610;

b. Early childhood education coursework and practicum experience which includes both of the following:

i. 21 semester hours of early childhood education courses to include all of the following areas of study:

(1) foundations of early childhood education;

(2) child guidance and classroom management;

(3) characteristics and quality practices for typical and atypical behaviors of young children;

(4) child growth and development, including health, safety and nutrition;

(5) child, family, cultural and community relationships;

(6) developmentally appropriate instructional methodologies for teaching language, math, science, social studies and the arts;

(7) early language and literacy development;

(8) assessing, monitoring and reporting progress of young children; and

ii. A minimum of 8 semester hours of practicum including:

(1) A minimum of 4 semester hours in a supervised field experience, practicum, internship or student teaching setting serving children birth - preschool. One year of full-time verified teaching experience with children in birth - preschool may substitute for this student teaching experience. This verification may come from a school- based education program or center-based program licensed by the Department of Health Services or regulated by tribal or military authorities; and

(2) A minimum of 4 semester hours in a supervised student teaching setting serving children in kindergarten - grade 3. One year of full-time verified teaching experience with children in kindergarten - grade 3 in an accredited school may substitute for this student teaching experience;

c. A valid Fingerprint Clearance Card issued by Arizona DPS; and

d. A passing score on the early childhood subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment once that portion of the AEPA is adopted by the Board.

4. Teachers with a valid Arizona elementary education certificate or Arizona special education certificate as of July 1, 2006 meet the requirements of this Section with evidence of the following:

a. A minimum of three years infant/toddler, preschool or kindergarten - grade 3 classroom teaching experience within 10 years prior to July 1, 2009, and

b. A passing score on the early childhood subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment once that portion of the AEPA is adopted by the Board.

M. Library-Media Specialist Endorsement -- grades K-12

1. The library-media specialist endorsement is optional.

2. Requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary, secondary, or special education certificate;

b. A passing score on the Library Media Specialist portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment. A Master's degree in Library Science may be substituted for a passing score on the assessment; and

c. One year of teaching experience.

N. Middle Grade Endorsement -- grades 5 - 9

1. The middle grade endorsement is optional. The middle grade endorsement may expand the grades a teacher is authorized to teach on an elementary or secondary certificate.

2. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona elementary or secondary certificate; and

b. Six semester hours of courses in middle grade education to include:

i. One course in early adolescent psychology;

ii. One course in middle grade curriculum; and

iii. A practicum or one year of verified teaching experience, in grades 5-9.

O. Drivers Education Endorsement

1. The drivers education endorsement is optional.

2. The requirements are:

a. An Arizona teaching certificate;

b. A valid Arizona driver's license;

c. One course in each of the following: safety education, driver and highway safety education, and driver education laboratory experience; and

d. A driving record with less than seven violation points and no revocation or suspension of driver's license within the two years preceding application.

P. Cooperative Education Endorsement -- grades K-12

1. The cooperative education endorsement is required for individuals who coordinate or teach vocational cooperative education.

2. The requirements are:

a. A provisional or standard vocational certificate in the areas of agriculture, business, family and consumer sciences, health occupations, marketing, or industrial technology; and

b. One course in vocational cooperative education.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 4581, effective December 18, 2004 (Supp. 04-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 11 A.A.R. 1885, effective June 26, 2005 (Supp. 05-2).

R7-2-614. Administrative Certificates

A. All certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. Supervisor Certificate -- grades Prekindergarten-12

1. The supervisor certificate is required for all personnel whose primary responsibility is administering instructional programs, supervising certified personnel, or similar administrative duties.

2. The certificate may be renewed with a concurrently held teaching certificate. The expiration date shall be the same as the expiration date of the teaching certificate.

3. The requirements are:

a. A standard elementary, secondary, or special education certificate;

b. A Master's or more advanced degree;

c. Three years of verified teaching experience in grades Prekindergarten-12;

d. Completion of a program in educational administration which shall consist of a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours of educational administration courses which teach the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-603;

e. A practicum in educational administration or two years of verified educational administrative experience in grades Prekindergarten-12;

f. A passing score on the Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment; and

g. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

4. A valid supervisor certificate from another state may be substituted for the teaching experience, program in educational administration, and practicum described in subsections (B)(3)(c), (d), and (e).

C. Principal Certificate -- grades Prekindergarten-12

1. The principal certificate is required for all personnel who hold the title of principal, assistant principal, or others with similar administrative duties.

2. The certificate is valid for six years.

3. The requirements are:

a. A Master's or more advanced degree;

b. Three years of verified teaching experience in grades Prekindergarten-12;

c. Completion of a program in educational administration for principals including at least 30 graduate semester hours of educational administration courses teaching the knowledge and skills described in R7-2-603;

d. A practicum as a principal or two years of verified experience as a principal or assistant principal in grades Prekindergarten-12;

e. A passing score on the Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment; and

f. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

4. A valid principal certificate from another state may be substituted for the teaching experience, program in educational administration, and practicum described in subsections (C)(3)(b), (c), and (d).

D. Superintendent Certificate -- grades Prekindergarten-12

1. The superintendent certificate is required for superintendents, assistant or associate superintendents, district chief executive officers regardless of title, and others with similar district-level administrative duties. In school districts with a student population of fewer than 600, a superintendent certificate shall not be required until June 30, 2005.

2. The certificate is valid for six years.

3. The requirements are:

a. A Master's or more advanced degree including at least 60 graduate semester hours;

b. Completion of a program in educational administration for superintendents, including at least 36 graduate semester hours of educational administrative courses which teach the standards described in R7-2-603;

c. Three years of verified teaching experience in grades Prekindergarten-12;

d. A practicum as a superintendent or two years verified experience as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, or associate superintendent in grades Prekindergarten-12;

e. A passing score on the Arizona Administrator Proficiency Assessment; and

f. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

4. A valid superintendent certificate from another state may be substituted for the program in educational administration, teaching experience, and practicum described in subsections (D)(3)(b), (c), and (d).

5. Individuals who hold an Alternative Superintendent Certificate before the effective date of this rule shall be issued a Superintendent Certificate at the time of renewal. Individuals who were evaluated for an Alternative Superintendent Certificate before the effective date of this rule and who meet the qualifications in effect at the time of evaluation within two years of the evaluation shall be issued a Superintendent Certificate.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1). Section R7-2-614 amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 3739, effective August 5, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-3). Emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 9 A.A.R. 522, effective January 31, 2003 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 03-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 1605, effective May 5, 2003 (Supp. 03-2).

R7-2-615. Other Professional Certificates

A. All certificates are subject to the general certification provisions in R7-2-607 and the renewal requirements in R7-2-617.

B. Guidance Counselor Certificate -- grades K-12

1. The guidance counselor certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A Master's or more advanced degree;

b. Completion of a graduate program in guidance and counseling. A valid guidance counselor certificate from another state may substitute for this requirement;

c. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card; and

d. One of the following:

i. Completion of a supervised counseling practicum in school counseling;

ii. Two years of verified, full-time experience as a school guidance counselor; or

iii. Three years of verified teaching experience.

C. School Psychologist Certificate -- grades Prekindergarten-12

1. The school psychologist certificate is valid for six years.

2. The requirements are:

a. A Master's or more advanced degree;

b. Completion of a graduate program in school psychology consisting of at least 60 graduate semester hours;

c. A practicum of at least 1,000-clock hours; and

d. A valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card.

3. A valid school psychologist certificate from another state may be substituted for the completion of a program described in subsection (C)(2)(b).

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 6 A.A.R. 1132, effective March 10, 2000 (Supp. 00-1).

R7-2-616. Fees

A. The Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Superintendent's designee shall collect proper fees for certification services and shall transmit the fees to the state Treasurer. The following fees are established for certification services:

1. Evaluation of qualification for a certificate: $30.

2. Evaluation of qualification for an endorsement: $30.

3. Renewal of a certificate: $20.

4. Name change, duplicate copy, or changes of coding to existing files or certificates: $20.

5. Processing of fingerprints through state and federal law enforcement agencies: $32, unless a different fee is required to be paid to another state agency.

B. The Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Superintendent's designee shall collect $10 for each administration and evaluation, in whole or in part, of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment administered by the Department and shall transmit the fees to the state Treasurer.

C. Fees shall be paid by money order, cashier's check, certified check, business check, or personal check and shall be made payable to the order of the Arizona Department of Education. If a check offered in payment for services is not cleared by the financial institution, the applicant shall be notified to pay the fees by money order or certified check. If a certificate has been issued or renewed and payment is not received within two weeks of notification to the applicant, the Board shall file a statement of complaint pursuant to R7-2-1302. If a certificate or renewal has not been issued, no certificate or renewal shall be issued until the fees are paid by cashier's check or money order.

D. Fees paid pursuant to this rule are not refundable.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4).

R7-2-617. Renewal Requirements

A. A certificate may be renewed within six months before it expires. A certificate may be renewed within one year after it expires if the individual is not employed under the certificate. Individuals whose certificates have been expired for more than one year shall reapply for certification under the requirements in effect at the time of reapplication.

B. Renewal of certificates requires the completion of a professional development program after the most recent issuance or renewal of the certificate. A professional development program shall consist of any of the following activities:

1. Courses related to education or a subject area taught in Arizona schools, taken from an accredited institution. Each semester hour of courses shall be equivalent to 15- clock hours of professional development. The required documentation shall be an official transcript.

2. Professional activities such as conferences and workshops. A maximum of 30-clock hours per year may be earned by attendance at professional conferences and workshops. The required documentation shall be a conference agenda and a statement or certificate from the sponsoring organization noting the clock hours earned.

3. District-sponsored or school-sponsored in-services or activities which are specifically designed for professional development. The required documentation shall be written verification from the sponsoring district or school stating the dates of participation and the number of clock hours earned.

4. Internships in business settings. The internship shall be based on an agreement between a business and a district or school with the stated objective of aligning teaching curriculum with workplace skills. A maximum of 80- clock hours may be earned through business internships. The required documentation shall be written verification by the sponsoring business and district or school stating the dates of participation and number of clock hours earned.

5. Educational research. The research shall be sponsored by a research facility or an accredited institution or funded by a grant. The required documentation shall be the published report of the research or verification by the sponsoring agency; and a statement of the dates of participation and the number of clock hours earned.

6. Serving in a leadership role of a professional organization. A maximum of 30-clock hours per year may be earned by serving in a leadership role of a professional organization. The required documentation shall be written verification by the governing body of the professional organization of the dates of service and clock hours earned.

7. Serving on a visitation team for a school accreditation agency. A maximum of 60-clock hours per year may be earned by serving on a visitation team. The required documentation shall be written verification from the accreditation agency of the dates of service and clock hours earned.

8. Completion of the process for certification by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. The required documentation shall be written verification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards and a statement from the employing district or school verifying the dates and the clock hours earned during the certification process.

C. An individual holding a Basic or Standard teaching certificate, an administrative certificate, or other professional certificate issued before July 1, 1995, may renew the certificate once before July 1, 2001, based on verification from the employer of continuous full-time employment with an education agency during the entire last valid period of the certificate being renewed. If an individual holding a valid Basic or Standard teaching certificate, administrative certificate, or other professional certificate was not employed during the entire last valid period of the certificate being renewed, the certificate may be renewed once before July 1, 2001, upon completion of 90- clock hours of a professional development program.

D. An individual holding a Basic or Standard teaching certificate, an administrative certificate, or other professional certificate issued or renewed before July 1, 1997, may renew the certificate once before July 1, 2003, upon completion of 90-clock hours of a professional development program.

E. An individual holding a Basic or Standard teaching certificate, an administrative certificate, or other professional certificate issued or renewed after June 30, 1997, and an individual holding a Temporary certificate, may renew or convert the certificate upon completion of 180-clock hours of a professional development program.

F. An individual who is employed by a school or school district at the time of renewal shall submit the required documentation of a professional development program to the district superintendent, director of personnel, or other designated administrator for verification. A certified individual who is not employed by a school or school district at the time of renewal shall submit the required documentation of a professional development program to a county school superintendent, the dean of a college of education, or the Department for verification. The school or district official, county school superintendent, or the dean of a college of education shall verify on forms provided by the Department the number of hours of a professional development program completed by the individual during the valid period of the certificate being renewed.

G. The Department shall issue a Standard teaching certificate when renewing a Basic or Temporary teaching certificate of the same type.

Historical Note

Adopted effective December 4, 1998 (Supp. 98-4). Amended by emergency rulemaking under A.R.S. § 41-1026 at 8 A.A.R. 5139, effective November 19, 2002 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 02-4). Emergency rulemaking renewed under A.R.S. § 41-1026(D) at 9 A.A.R. 1547, effective April 29, 2003 for a period of 180 days (Supp. 03-2). Emergency rulemaking repealed under A.R.S. § 41-1026(E) and permanent R7-2-617 amended by final rulemaking at 9 A.A.R. 3950, effective October 21, 2003 (Supp. 03-3).

R7-2-618. Certification Time-frames

A. For certification by the State Board of Education ('Board'), Certification Division ('Division'), the time-frames required by A.R.S. § 41-1072 et seq are:

1. Overall time-frame: 165 days.

2. Administrative review time-frame: 45 days.

3. Substantive review time-frame: 120 days.

B. Administrative completeness review time-frame. The Division shall issue a written notice of administrative completeness or deficiency to an applicant for certification within 45 days of receipt of the application.

1. If the Division determines that an application for certification is not administratively complete, the Division shall include a comprehensive list of the specific deficiencies in the written notice.

2. If the Division issues a written notice of deficiency, the administrative completeness review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the date the notice is issued until the date that the Division receives the missing information from the applicant.

3. If the Division does not issue a notice of administrative completeness or deficiency within 45 days of receipt of the application, the application is deemed administratively complete.

C. Substantive review time-frame. Within 120 days after the administrative completeness review time-frame is complete, the Division shall determine whether an applicant for certification meets all substantive criteria required by statute or rule.

1. During the substantive review time-frame, the Division may make one comprehensive written request for additional information. If the Division issues a comprehensive written request for additional information, the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the date the request is issued until the date that the Division receives the additional information from the applicant.

2. The Division and the applicant may mutually agree in writing to allow the Division to submit supplemental requests for additional information. If the Division issues a supplemental request by mutual written agreement for additional information, the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame are suspended from the date the request is issued until the date that the Division receives the additional information from the applicant.

D. Overall time-frame. The Division shall issue a written notice that the Board has granted or denied a certificate no later than 165 days after receipt of an application for certification, or no later than the time-frame extension allowed under subsection (E).

1. Written notice denying an applicant certification shall include justification for the denial with references to the statutes or rules on which the denial is based and an explanation of the applicant's right to appeal the denial.

2. The explanation of an applicant's right to appeal the denial shall include the number of days the applicant has to file an appeal challenging the denial and the name and telephone number of the Executive Director of the Board as the contact person who can answer questions regarding the appeals process.

E. By mutual written agreement, the Division and an applicant for certification may extend the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame. An extension of the substantive review time-frame and the overall time-frame may not exceed 33 days.

F. If the Division does not issue to an applicant written notice granting or denying a certificate within the overall time-frame or any extension mutually agreed upon in writing, the Division shall refund to the applicant all fees charged, excuse payment of any fees that have not yet been paid, and pay all penalties required by A.R.S. § 41-1077.

G. The Division shall issue all written notices under this Section to the last known address of the applicant by regular, 1st-class mail. The written notices are deemed 'issued' on the postmark date.

H. By August 1 of each year, the Division shall report to the Executive Director of the Board the Division's compliance with the overall time-frames for the prior fiscal year. The Division shall include the number of certificates issued or denied within the time-frames specified in this Section and the dollar amount of all fees returned or excused. The Division shall also include the amount of all penalties paid to the state general fund due to the Division's failure to comply with the time-frames.

Historical Note

New Section adopted by final rulemaking at 5 A.A.R. 2002, effective May 27, 1999 (Supp. 99-2).

R7-2-619. Reciprocity

The Board shall issue a comparable Arizona provisional certificate, if one is established pursuant to this Chapter, to an applicant who holds a valid certificate from another state and possesses a Bachelor's or higher degree from an accredited institution.

1. Certificates shall be valid for one year and are nonrenewable.

2. The applicant shall possess a valid Class 1 or Class 2 fingerprint clearance card. Applicants who were fingerprinted in another state with substantially similar criminal history or teacher fingerprinting requirements shall be required to provide documentation that an application for a fingerprint clearance card has been submitted to the Arizona Department of Public Safety. 'Substantially similar' criminal history or teacher fingerprinting requirements shall be determined by the Investigations Unit and shall, at a minimum, include local law enforcement and FBI checks.

3. The deficiencies allowed pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes in Arizona Constitution, United States Constitution, and a passing score on all required portions of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall be satisfied prior to the issuance of any other certificate prescribed in this Chapter, except as noted below:

a. The professional knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall be waived for applicants with three years of verified teaching experience. The three years of verified teaching experience shall have been during the last valid period of the certificate produced from the other state.

b. The subject knowledge portion of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall be waived for applicants who hold a Master's degree or higher in the subject area to be taught.

c. The professional knowledge and subject knowledge portions of the Arizona Teacher Proficiency Assessment shall be waived for applicants who hold a current certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Historical Note

New Section made by exempt rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 2396, effective May 10, 2002 (Supp. 02-2).

R7-2-620. Qualification Requirements of Professional, Non-Teaching School Personnel

A. Definitions:

1. 'Educational Interpreter.' For the purposes of this Section, 'educational interpreter' means a person trained to translate in sign language for students identified to require such services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 accommodation plan in order to access academic instruction. This does not in any way restrict the provisions of R7-2-401(B)(14) which defines 'interpreter' and provides that each student's IEP team determines the level of interpreter skill necessary for the provision of FAPE, nor does it restrict a school district's ability to develop a job description for someone in a position of 'educational interpreter' that requires additional job responsibilities.

2. 'Accommodation plan developed to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC 794, et seq. ('504 accommodation plan').' For the purposes of this Section, '504 accommodation plan' means a plan developed for the purpose of specifying accommodations and/or services that will be implemented by classroom teachers and other school personnel so that students will benefit from their educational program.

B. Educational Interpreters for the Hearing Impaired.

1. Persons employed by or contracting with schools and school districts to provide educational interpreting services for hearing impaired students must meet the following qualifications from and after January 1, 2005:

a. Have a high school diploma or GED;

b. Hold a valid fingerprint clearance card, and

c. Show proficiency in interpreting skills through one of the following:

i. A minimum passing score of 3.5 or higher on the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA), or

ii. Hold a valid Certificate of Interpretation (CI) and/or Certificate of Transliteration (CT) from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), or

iii. Hold a valid certificate from the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) at level 3 or higher.

2. If a public education agency (PEA) is unable to find an individual meeting the above qualifications, the PEA may hire an individual with lesser qualifications, but the PEA is required to provide a professional development plan for the individual they employ to provide educational interpreting services. This professional development plan must include the following:

a. Proof of at least 24 hours of training in interpreting each year that a valid certification is not held or EIPA passing score is not attained, and

b. Documentation of a plan for the individual to meet the required qualifications within three years of employment. If the qualifications are not attained within three years, but progress toward attainment is demonstrated, the plan shall be modified to include an intensive program for up to one year to meet the provisions of subsection (B)(1).

3. An individual employed under the provisions of subsection (B)(2) must also have the following:

a. A valid fingerprint clearance card, and

b. A high school diploma or GED.

C. Compliance with these rules will be reviewed at the same time as a PEA is monitored for compliance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et seq.

Historical Note

New Section made by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 2399, effective July 23, 2004 (Supp. 04-2).